Iraqi resistance targets occupied Haifa airport with drones

Yemen News Agency SABA
Iraqi resistance targets occupied Haifa airport with drones
[03/ April/2024]
BAGHDAD April 03. 2024 (Saba) -The Islamic Resistance in Iraq announced at dawn on Wednesday that its mujahideen targeted the occupied Haifa airport, using drones.

The Iraqi resistance said in a brief statement that its mujahideen "targeted, by drones, the Zionist Haifa airport in occupied Palestine." Confirming that it will continue to "destroy the strongholds of the enemies."

The resistance added in its statement: The operation comes "as a continuation of the second phase of the operations to resist the occupation, and to support our people in Gaza, and in response to the Zionist massacres against unarmed Palestinian civilians."

After publishing the statement claiming responsibility for the attack, the Islamic Resistance broadcast scenes of it launching drones towards Haifa airport in the Palestinian territories occupied in 1948, at dawn today.


resource : SABA