Head & crew of Aden Channel visit stationed on West Coast fronts


Yemen News Agency SABA
Head & crew of Aden Channel visit stationed on West Coast fronts
[13/ April/2024]
HODEIDA April 13. 2024 (Saba) - The head of the Aden Satellite Channel sector, Abdul-Alam Al-Saqqaf, and a number of the channel’s crew, visited stationed on the West Coast front in Hodeida and Hajjah provinces.

Al-Saqqaf and the Aden Channel crew conveyed to those stationed in sites of honor and heroism in the districts of Abs and Midi in Hajjah province and the Al-Durayhimi District in Hodeida province, the greetings of the Revolution Leader, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Head of the Supreme Political Council, and the leadership of the Ministry of Information on this occasion.

He considered Eid visits to the Almoravids to be less obligatory in gratitude for their sacrifices and heroic stances in the face of aggression , in support of the Palestinian cause and the people of the Gaza Strip who are subjected to brutal massacres by the Zionist enemy amid a shameful Arab silence that expresses the abject failure of the normalized Arab regimes.

In turn, the Almoravids on the West Coast expressed their gratitude for this visit, stressing their readiness to go through death for the sake of God, defend the homeland, support Al-Aqsa, Gaza, and the Palestinian people.


resource : SABA