Under slogan “We celebrate resistance victory ” Thousands of Jordanians continue their support activities for Gaza


Yemen News Agency SABA
Under slogan “We celebrate resistance victory ” Thousands of Jordanians continue their support activities for Gaza
[13/ April/2024]
AMMAN April 13. 2024 (Saba) - Thousands of Jordanians participated, on Friday, in a march in the center of the capital, Amman, in solidarity with Gaza Strip, which has been subjected to a Zionist war for months, and in support of the resistance, coinciding with the third day of Eid al-Fitr.

Local media reports reported last night that the march was held from in front of Al-Husseini Mosque in the capital, all the way to Palm Square, one kilometer away from it, under the slogan (Our Celebration of the Victory of the Resistance), and at the invitation of the National Forum for Supporting the Resistance (a partisan union).

They also raised banners reading (Fear God Arabs), (Our joy can only be with the victory of Gaza and its heroic resistance), (Resistance is our choice), (Our celebration is the victory of the resistance), and others.

Eid al-Fitr fell this year while the Zionist enemy was waging a devastating war on Gaza, leaving more than 100,000 martyrs and wounded, most of them children and women, and massive destruction and famine that claimed the lives of children and the elderly, according to Palestinian and international data.


resource : SABA