Civil Service: Official working hours resume in public service units tomorrow, Sunday

Yemen News Agency SABA
Civil Service:  Official working hours resume in public service units tomorrow, Sunday
[13/ April/2024]
SANA'A April 13. 2024 (Saba) - The Ministry of Civil Service and Insurance announced the resumption of official working hours in all units of the state’s administrative apparatus , the public and mixed sectors following Eid al-Fitr holiday, starting tomorrow, Sunday.

The Ministry explained in a statement received by the news agency (Saba), that the announcement comes based on Circular No. (5) for the year 1445 AH 2024 AD for public service units regarding the state of job discipline in the units of the central and local authorities after Eid al-Fitr holiday.

The Ministry confirmed that, based on its competence in administrative oversight of public service units to resume work and production in various facilities and state institutions to carry out its role in providing public services to all members of society, the Ministry (Monitoring and Performance Evaluation Sector) will assign field inspection teams to monitor the level of job discipline in all areas public service units.

The Ministry called on all heads, leaders and employees of the units of the state’s administrative apparatus the public , mixed sectors, central and local, to commit to attendance , job discipline and to carry out their constitutional and legal job duties , duties assigned to them with full dedication , sincerity to serve the nation, the citizen and society alike.


resource : SABA