Al-Dhale'.. Visit by local authority & academics from Ibb to stationed on Al-Fakher front

Yemen News Agency SABA
Al-Dhale'.. Visit by local authority & academics from Ibb to stationed on Al-Fakher front
[13/ April/2024]
DHALE' April 13. 2024 (Saba) - Leaders from the local authority in Ibb province and the districts of Habeish and Madhikhara, as well as academics from Ibb University and Zakat Authority office, visited stationed on Al-Fakher front in Al-Dhale' province.

During the visit, in the presence of Shura Council member Ahmed Baalawi, the local Secretary-General of Ibb province, Amin Al-Warafi, and the President of Ibb University, Dr. Nasr Al-Hujaili, congratulated Almoravids on the occasion of blessed Eid Al-Fitr ... appreciating what they are offering for the sake of God, dignity, freedom, and confronting the enemies of the nation and those lurking in it.

For his part, the Commander of the 31st Armored Brigade, Brigadier General Mahmoud Al-Rumaishi, praised this holiday visit to Almoravids... stressing the steadfastness of the heroes of the 31st Brigade, their high morale, their readiness, their continued readiness, their longing for confrontation and continuing to liberate the rest of the nation’s lands.


resource : SABA