Executive leaders from capital secretariat visit Almoravids on Serwah front


Yemen News Agency SABA
Executive leaders from capital secretariat visit Almoravids on Serwah front
[13/ April/2024]
MARIB April 13. 2024 (Saba) - The Director of the Guidance Office in the capital secretariat, Dr. Qais Al-Tal, and local leaders from the secretariat visited stationed in a number of locations on the Serwah front in Marib province, on Eid al-Fitr occasion .

During the visit, in which they were accompanied by the Director of the Serwah District, Marai Al-Amri, the visitors conveyed the leadership’s congratulations to Almoravids on this occasion... praising the sacrifices of the heroes of the armed forces in defending the homeland, its sovereignty, and its independence.

They appreciated the role of the people of Serwah in confronting the aggression, stressing that the Yemeni people stand by the army in confronting the American-British aggression and supporting the Palestinian people.


resource : SABA