Hamas calls for marches to support Palestinian people


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hamas calls for marches to support Palestinian people
[14/ April/2024]
GAZA April 14. 2024 (Saba) - Hams has called on the Arab and Islamic peoples and the free people of the world to go out in marches to support the Palestinian people and put pressure towards stopping the hysterical war.

According to Sama News Agency, Hamas spokesman Abdullatif al-Qanou said in a statement that “Sustaining demonstrations in various cities of the world and expanding the area of support and backing is one of the most important tools for supporting the Palestinian people and putting pressure to stop the crazy war.”

He said that the Zionist enemy army “escalated its genocidal war against the Palestinian people in Gaza during the days of Eid al-Fitr and doubled its targeting of civilians and commiting massacres.”

Al-Qanou noted “The enemy escalated the war of genocide against citizens during the days of Eid al-Fitr, as hundreds of martyrs killed by bombing civilian cars, populated homes, human gatherings, and crowded markets, ignoring the religious feelings of Muslims and violating the sanctity of their holidays.”

Al-Qanou added “The criminal enemy did not respect the sanctity of the month of Ramadan or the rituals of Eid al-Fitr, but rather doubled the targeting of civilians and committed more massacres, which represents a rebellion against all international norms and laws and humanitarian conventions.”

resource : Saba