Meeting discusses Revolutionary Leader’s directives implementation to activate agricultural associations in Ibb

Yemen News Agency SABA
Meeting discusses Revolutionary Leader’s directives implementation to activate agricultural associations in Ibb
[21/ April/2024]
SANA'A April 21. 2024 (Saba) - A meeting in Sana'a, chaired by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation - Vice Chairman of the Supreme Agricultural and Fisheries Committee, Dr. Radwan Al-Rubai, discussed today,Sunday, the mechanism for implementing the directives of the Revolutionary Leader to activate the agricultural associations that have been established in Ibb province.

The meeting, which included heads of associations in Ibb province, focused on addressing the challenges facing agricultural cooperative activity in the province, assigning agricultural associations with multiple tasks, and qualifying their coordinators to carry out their tasks in the economic dimension of their activities.

Dr. Al-Rubai pointed out the importance of preparing to receive the rainy season with initiatives to construct barriers , dams and benefit from them in expanding the cultivation of grain crops and legumes.

He considered adherence to the directives of the Revolution Leader in the agricultural and development aspect the only way to bring about real development in various fields.

Dr. Al-Rubai urged concerted official and societal efforts to advance development towards building a resistant national economy in light of the aggression and siege, stressing the importance of providing technical, training and rehabilitation support.


resource : SABA