Al-Massawi receives 11 prisoners captured while fighting along with aggression forces

Yemen News Agency SABA
Al-Massawi receives 11 prisoners captured while fighting along with aggression forces
[21/ April/2024]

TAIZ April 21. 2024 (Saba) - The Acting Governor of Taiz, Ahmed Amin Al-Massawi, received on Sunday 11 prisoners from the sons of Al-Hujaria, who were captured in the "Nasr from God" operation while participating in the fighting on the side of the enemy, who abandoned them in putting their names on the exchange lists.

During the reception, which was attended by the governorate's agents, Noureddine Al-Marrani, Abdul Wahab Al-Junaid, Fouad Sinan, Qanaf Al-Sufi, and the official of the social department, Hamis Al-Habari, Al-Massawi praised the generosity of the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, for releasing the prisoners in response to the request of sheikhs and notables of Al-Hujaria.

"The leader appreciated the position of the sheikhs and notables of Al-Hujaria who came out appealing to him to release their sons who were deceived," he said, stressing that the prisoners who were honored will return today to their families and society.

The Acting Governor pointed out that since 1441 AH until today, the release of prisoners has not been negotiated, whether the external parties with which they recruited or those who recruited them for the benefit of abroad, until the intervention of a group of wise people to follow up their case and was crowned with success thanks to the response of the Leader of the Revolution to their demands.

He added, "Those who claimed to love their homeland in the occupied territories, have arrested a number of notables who went to the free zones, declaring their solidarity with the brothers in Gaza, and demanding the release of a number of their fellow prisoners who were deceived to fight their countrymen, and were abandoned by the parties that deceived them."

Al-Massawi pointed to the contradiction in the treatment of mercenary leaders compared to Abyan notables who went to Sanaa to demand the release of Major General Faisal Rajab and returned to their areas without being arrested, as well as notables and sheikhs of Murad and the Jadaan tribes from Al-Bayda and Marib, who had previously returned to their homes, and their prisoners were released from Sana'a without being arrested in their areas.

"This reveals the true face of the slogans that some pay lip service to, and who claimed to love Taiz," he said, noting that these slogans are nothing more than a mirage that hides behind it a bitter reality, full of contradictions and lies.

For his part, the director of the Shamayateen Directorate, Ramzi Farouk, confirmed that 11 prisoners from the Shamayateen district were released as part of efforts sought by a number of sheikhs and notables of Al-Hajariyah, headed by Sheikh Abdul Warith Al-Qurashi and Aref Al-Adimi, and was met with a response from the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, to release a group of prisoners, followed by the release of another batches.


resource : Saba