Ministry of Health in Gaza... enemy's invasion of Rafah destroys health system

Yemen News Agency SABA
Ministry of Health in Gaza... enemy's invasion of Rafah destroys health system
[22/ April/2024]
GAZA April 22. 2024 (Saba) -The Palestinian Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip warned on Monday of the Zionist enemy's implementation of threats to invade the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, which "means the elimination of the little remaining health work system."

According to the agency (Palestine Today), the ministry said, in a statement: "We warn that the implementation of the enemy's promises to invade Rafah governorate means the elimination of the remaining little of the health work system and deprive the population of any health services."

The ministry continued: "The collapse of the health work system will expose hundreds of Palestinian people to the risk of death."

It is noteworthy that for the 199th consecutive day, the enemy army continues its aggression on the Gaza Strip, since the seventh of last October, where its planes bomb the vicinity of hospitals, buildings, towers and civilian homes and destroy them over the heads of their inhabitants.


resource : SABA