Axis of Resistance's efforts coordinated to confront Zionist threats to invade Rafah

Yemen News Agency SABA
Axis of Resistance's efforts coordinated to confront Zionist threats to invade Rafah
[09/ May/2024]
CAPITALS May 09. 2024 (Saba) - While the language of war and threat of the Zionist enemy entity is advancing in terms of invading the Palestinian city of Rafah, there are steps taken by the axis of resistance towards the issue of coordinating and integrating efforts to deter these threats, with what this requires strengthening its attacks and preparing in return for confrontations with Zionist aggression.

Perhaps what the factions of the resistance axis, in all its colors, have launched in the recent period confirms that they have prepared everything necessary to move to new stages of escalation to increase efforts in support of the Palestinian resistance. In other words, they prove the extent of their influence and efficiency in managing daily support , confrontations, their tactical and field superiority.

While the Palestinian resistance in Gaza is still crushing the Zionist enemy army and standing firm in the aggression's face, the Yemeni armed forces launch a historic threat in exchange for the threat against Rafah, by announcing the start of implementation of the fourth phase of escalation by targeting all ships violating the decision to ban Zionist navigation and heading to the ports of occupied Palestine from the Mediterranean sea.

There is no doubt that the announcement of the Yemeni Armed Forces has several implications, the most prominent of which is that the resistance in Yemen has decided to move to a different combat experience, the content of which is that its military operations will not calm down until the aggression against Gaza ends and the Zionist entity submits to all the requests of the Palestinian resistance.

Here, the Secretary-General of the Arab Socialist Baath Party in Lebanon, Ali Youssef Hijazi, speaks about what the resistance in Yemen has achieved by imposing new equations that it established since the first days of its entry into the confrontation.

Hijazi says: “Despite what Yemen has suffered, today, instead of being besieged, it is today setting the equations for the siege, and which participates in drawing the horizon related to the battle of Rafah when he clearly and frankly declares that if this enemy thinks about entering Rafah, there will be a siege.” It affects all ships heading to occupied Palestine.”

Hijazi confirms that Yemen's announcement of the start of implementation of the fourth phase of escalation is not an ordinary matter or passing news, but rather it creates an equation at conflict level in the region and the world.

In addition, the Lebanese resistance is still supporting the resistance in Gaza, taking away the ability to manage the war from the Zionist enemy after it occupied a third of its army, displaced 100,000 Zionist settlers, and weakened the economic situation in the settlements of northern occupied Palestine.

Deputy Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Sheikh Naim Qassem, pointed out that “any support for Gaza, in addition to being in Gaza’s interest, is also in Lebanon’s interest.”

He explained that "Lebanon's support for Gaza achieves two goals: the first is to support Palestine and the second is to deter the enemy."

Sheikh Qassem said: “According to the data, the enemy is incapable and has no interest in war, and we do not see an interest in a wide war.” He added: “What we did in the south is called a pre-emptive defense with the aim of supporting Gaza, protecting Lebanon, and deterring (Israel).”

He continued, saying: “Do not underestimate Hezbollah’s ability to cause pain to (Israel).” He stressed that “what the resistance used on the front in the south is part of the force and part of the weapons, and what is hidden is greater.”

He added, "The enemy must understand that if he hurts us more, he must suffer more."

In a related context, the Iraqi resistance was able to raise the state of confrontation by introducing modern missiles and targeting specific sites in Tel Aviv, also as a means of escalation and pressure on the Zionist enemy.

The head of the Al-Nabaa Group for Strategic Studies in Baghdad, Hashim Al-Kindi, stressed that the Islamic resistance is committed to supporting Palestine and to the unity of the arenas, pointing out that the resistance in Iraq confirms its transition to a new stage, and that the targeted sites are advanced centers.

Al-Kindi explained that the recent resistance operations in Iraq are a small part of its capabilities, indicating that it "chooses its targets carefully."

He stressed that the Iraqi resistance "has shown that all the goals of the occupying entity , American and Zionist interests are within its reach."

In the same context, the results of the Yemen, Lebanon and Iraq fronts coincide with the results of the direct Bahraini involvement in the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, when the Islamic Resistance in Bahrain - Saraya Al-Ashtar announced that it had carried out a drone attack targeting the headquarters of the company responsible for land transport in the temporary entity (Trucknet) in Umm Al-Rashrash city, Eilat, in occupied Palestine.

The Islamic Resistance in Bahrain, Saraya al-Ashtar, said in a statement: We announce the targeting of the headquarters of the company responsible for land transportation in the entity (Trucknet) in Umm al-Rashrash city (Eilat) in occupied Palestine, with drones in support of the Palestinian cause and in support of our resisting people in Gaza.

This operation constituted a declaration of fire, to open a new front of support for the resistance axis, proving that it possesses many surprises and capabilities that have not yet been revealed and activated.

In the end, the operational reality prepared by the forces of the Axis of Resistance, including the readiness and escalation plan and the surprises it has stored, is intended to send a message to the Zionist enemy, the content of which is that it still possesses many cards of strength that enable it to turn the Zionist threat of invading the Palestinian city of Rafah into a heavy burden. On the enemy entity and its army, which is still facing crises on all fronts.


resource : SABA