President Al-Mashat inspects activities of summer courses at Al-Quds and Martyr Abdullah Ali Musleh Schools

Yemen News Agency SABA
President Al-Mashat inspects activities of summer courses at Al-Quds and Martyr Abdullah Ali Musleh Schools
[11/ May/2024]

SANA'A May 11. 2024 (Saba) - His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Chairman of the Supreme Political Council, inspected the activities of the summer courses at Al-Quds and Martyr Abdullah Ali Musleh schools in the capital's secretariat, and the programs received by students.

His Excellency the President, along with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Brother Yahya Ali Al-Raei, the Grand Mufti of Yemen, the scholar Shams Al-Din Sharaf Al-Din, the Deputy Head of the Education and Culture Sector Yahya Al-Mahtouri, and a member of the Supreme Committee for Summer Courses - Undersecretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Abdullah Al-Razhi, listened to an explanation of the level of student turnout and the programs and activities they receive in various fields, most notably memorizing the Holy Quran and Quranic culture.

During the visit, President Al-Mashat urged students from the two schools to educate themselves in the culture of the Holy Quran. "We have to educate ourselves about the culture of the Holy Quran to gain useful knowledge, awareness and a correct outlook from it," he said.

He added, "It is a very great opportunity for our students to learn the Holy Quran, educate them in Quranic culture, Islamic Sharia sciences and the Arabic language, and study the purified biography of the Prophet to follow the example of the Messenger of God, may God's prayers and peace be upon him and his family as a leader, teacher and role model, and to acquire the skills they need in various affairs of life."

"In these courses, our children must learn the concepts and principles of Islam, the correct view of the reality of life, and how a Muslim must build his life path," he said.

He stressed the need for the student to grow up through these summer courses on science and to have knowledge, awareness and insight, so that he cannot be deceived or misled.

He pointed out the need for the student to carry through these courses a sound assessment and vision of reality and events, and the enemies of this nation, Jews and Americans, and the nature of the conflict with them, and this is a great gain for them.

"You notice the annoyance of the nation's enemies and their agents from the summer courses and the great demand for them, because they know that this generation is the present of the nation, its future and the basis of its strength, and it will be on its hands the liberation of Al-Aqsa, Palestine, the clear victory and the great conquest," he said.

"The Jews have been keen to change the curricula in many Arab countries, delete the verses of jihad, distort the compass of hostility, and present the enemies of the nation, Jews and Americans, as friends, but today's events and the criminal Zionist aggression on Gaza revealed falsity and misinformation and exposed the printers with the Jews and their betrayal of Islam, and the Arab and Islamic nation," President Al-Mashat said.


resource : Saba