In a historic decision. The international will triumphs for Palestine despite the nose of the Zionist enemy and its supporters

Yemen News Agency SABA
In a historic decision. The international will triumphs for Palestine despite the nose of the Zionist enemy and its supporters
[13/ May/2024]

SANA'A May 13. 2024 (Saba) - A victory for proud Palestine and in a decision described by political analysts as "historic", despite the nose of the Zionist enemy entity and its supporters. Last night, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on the eligibility of the State of Palestine to full membership in the United Nations, with a recommendation to the UN Security Council to positively reconsider the issue of Palestine's full membership.

According to the draft resolution, which received the approval of 143 members of the United Nations out of a total of 193 members, nine against and 25 abstentions, the State of Palestine is eligible for membership in the United Nations in accordance with Article IV of the Charter and should therefore be admitted to membership in the United Nations.

Accordingly, the resolution recommends that the Security Council reconsider this issue positively, in the light of this resolution and in the light of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice of 28 May 1948, and in full conformity with Article IV of the Charter of the United Nations, and reaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to establish an independent State of Palestine.

The UN General Assembly resolution would grant Palestinians additional rights and privileges as of September 2024, such as a seat with UN member states in the Assembly hall, but without the right to vote in it, and Palestinians currently have observer status as a non-member state, which is de facto recognition of a state approved by the UN General Assembly in 2012, despite resistance from the United States of America.

The United Nations affirms that the resolution supports Palestine's application for full membership in the United Nations, recommends that the Security Council reconsider the application, and sets out ways to realize additional rights and privileges related to Palestine's participation in the United Nations.

An application for full membership in the United Nations needs the approval of the 15-member Security Council and then the General Assembly, and the United States is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council with veto power.

According to the UN Charter, a state is admitted to the UN by a resolution of the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority, but only after a positive recommendation to that effect by nine out of 15 members of the Security Council, provided that none of the five permanent members (Russia, China, France, Britain and America) votes against the request.

The resolution reaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including their own independent State, and calls upon the international community to exert renewed and coordinated efforts to end the Zionist occupation that began in 1967 and to reach a just, lasting and peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine and the Zionist-Palestinian conflict in accordance with international law and relevant United Nations resolutions.

The "historic" international resolution was welcomed by Palestinians, Arabs and internationally, and its issuance was considered as an embodiment of a historical reality and reality on the ground, and a recognition of the rights of a people who have suffered for more than seven decades from foreign occupation. Noting the importance of the timing of the issuance of this resolution at a delicate stage in the Palestinian cause in light of the unprecedented Zionist attacks on the Palestinian people and their rights.

In this context... Palestinian factions, personalities and parties welcomed the General Assembly resolution and expressed their appreciation to the countries that voted for the draft resolution. Calling for the follow-up of national achievement. She stressed that this overwhelming vote confirms that the world, unlike the allies and supporters of the colonial occupation regime, is aligned with the historical Palestinian right and the oppression of the Palestinian people, who are subjected to a systematic war of extermination in the Gaza Strip.

It also considered the vote of the majority of the members of the United Nations General Assembly in favor of the resolution submitted by the Arab Group to support the right of the State of Palestine to full membership in the international organization, "the victory of the international will for the long-awaited Palestinian right", and a victory for the sacrifices and sufferings of the Palestinian people for more than 76 years of historical and existential denial of the Palestinians by the unjust colonial powers, which is a Palestinian right to strengthen the position of the State of Palestine in the international system like the rest of the world.

On this occasion, Egypt called on all countries that have not yet taken the decision to recognize the Palestinian State to move forward towards taking this important and pivotal step in support of the Palestinian cause and the rights of the Palestinian people.

It called on the Security Council and the international parties to deal with the required responsibility with the dangerous situation in the Gaza Strip, especially the Palestinian city of Rafah, which is exposed to great humanitarian risks as a result of the Zionist control of the crossings and preventing the flow of humanitarian aid.

The Egyptian Center for Strategic Studies and Thought explained that the United Nations General Assembly considers Palestine qualified to be an active member of the United Nations, and that the Palestinian issue will return in its entirety to the Security Council for further study. He pointed out that the United Nations General Assembly pledged to promote the rights of Palestine, and currently Palestine is a non-member state with observer status at the United Nations, and after the new resolution, Palestine can participate in the sessions and work of the General Assembly and conferences.

Representatives of the States Members of the United Nations made statements during the meeting in which they explained their vote on the draft resolution, most of which touched on the fact that Palestine deserves its status as a full Member State of the United Nations for meeting the criteria, in a manner that constitutes an embodiment of the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, and an affirmation of the justice of the Palestinian cause in light of attempts to liquidate it, which is reflected in the Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, and attempts at forced displacement, land confiscation and settlement expansion.

In continuing the fascist behaviour of the Zionist terrorist entity, not only through the comprehensive aggression against the Palestinian people since the Nakba of 1948, but before that date until the present, when the aggression against the Gaza Strip was carried out for the seventh consecutive month in the genocidal war against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, where humanity has not witnessed more heinous crimes than its brutal crimes, Gilad Erdan, the usurping entity's ambassador to the United Nations, threatened the Secretary-General not to enable him to run for the presidency of the United Nations.

When the State of Palestine won the support of 143 countries through direct voting to obtain Palestine's right to full membership, the Zionist representative did not bear the political victory in favor of the State of Palestine within the international institution of the United Nations, so he tore up the Charter of the United Nations through a machine he brought for this purpose, as he expected the countries of the world to be biased towards the right of the State of Palestine, and this right basically came late for many years.

Despite the injustice inflicted on the Palestinian people by the partition decision, what happened on Friday is the natural right of the State of Palestine, as the Zionist representative not only tore up the charter, but also attacked the countries supporting the resolution, and also considered the so-called Zionist Foreign Minister, "Israel Katz", the decision "absurd."

This shameful behavior of the Zionist enemy entity requires its expulsion from the United Nations and from various international institutions and organizations, in addition to the need to act to expel the Zionist Knesset from the membership of the Inter-Parliamentary Union as a result of the Knesset's racist decisions, which contradict the resolutions issued by the United Nations Security Council. As for the Arab position, it requires stopping all forms of normalization with the Zionist enemy entity.

Observers believe that international legitimacy recorded a political victory on the tenth of May 2024, which strengthened the status of the State of Palestine, which became an observer member on November 29, 2012, to jump great steps to break the imperialist restriction led by America on the right of the state to complete its pillars with full membership, which has been deprived of rape since 1948.

The UN Charter authorizes the Secretary-General to request a meeting of the Security Council in the coming period to transmit and report to the Council on Friday's vote for the General Assembly meeting.

It is noteworthy that the United States had blocked the approval of the decision to grant Palestine full membership in the United Nations, at the last meeting of the Security Council on the request, held on April 18, using the veto.

It is worth mentioning that this vote on the draft resolution in the United Nations General Assembly, which consists of 193 members, is a global survey of the extent of support enjoyed by Palestine's application for full membership in the international organization, and the victory of the international community for the right of the Palestinian people to join the United Nations, and for the justice of the Palestinian demand in this regard, as well as standing on the side of right, justice, the principles of sympathy and defense of an international order based on law and awareness of the justice of the Palestinian request to join the United Nations. The justice of the cause of the Palestinian people, which today faces fierce efforts to obliterate and liquidate it.

Today, the international will has decided to triumph over the legitimate rights of peoples, including the right of the Palestinian people to have their State as full membership, which would strengthen their legal standing in the United Nations and its affiliated organizations and bodies.


resource : Saba