Famous Dutch seismologist Hogrebits posts sensational tweet about Egyptian pyramids


Yemen News Agency SABA
Famous Dutch seismologist Hogrebits posts sensational tweet about Egyptian pyramids
[17/ May/2024]
AMSTERDAM May 17. 2024 (Saba) - The famous Dutch seismologist Frank Hogrebits published on Friday, a controversial tweet about the Egyptian pyramids of Giza.

According to Russia Today, Hogribets posted a photo of the Egyptian pyramids and the Sphinx and attached it to a tweet: "The geometry of the pyramids of Giza, when properly researched, holds evidence of very advanced knowledge, which according to the understanding of modern times could not have existed in that distant time."

"We still have a lot to discover about the true history of this planet."

Social media pioneers from Egypt interacted with the Dutch researcher's post, translating the post and circulating it widely.

Expressing their pride in the Egyptian pyramids that express their civilization as Egyptians.

Some activists on the X platform wondered: How have the secrets of ancient civilizations such as the Egyptian civilization not yet been revealed, especially since we are in a more advanced era than antiquity?


resource : SABA