IRGC to launch Qa'im 105 satellite next year

Yemen News Agency SABA
IRGC to launch Qa'im 105 satellite next year
[18/ May/2024]

TEHRAN May 18. 2024 (Saba) - Brigadier General Ali Jafarabadi, commander of the space department of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Aerospace Force, announced on Saturday that the four-stage satellite carrier will be launched next year. Pointing to the characteristics of the satellite carrier "Qaem 105".

Brigadier Abadi said, in a statement to Tasnim International News Agency: Regarding the exact timing of the launch of the satellite carrier "Qaem 105", this satellite carrier will be launched in the spring of next year because the launch of this satellite carrier is one of our important projects.

On the impact and results of the launch of this satellite carrier in increasing the country's space power, Brigadier General Abadi added: "The Qaim 105 satellite carrier can carry a larger payload and about twice as much as the Qaim 100 satellite carrier.


resource : Saba