Palestinian youth injured by settlers' bullets in Azmut, east of Nablus

Yemen News Agency SABA
Palestinian youth injured by settlers' bullets in Azmut, east of Nablus
[18/ May/2024]
NABLUS May 18. 2024 (Saba) - Zionist settlers fired live bullets at Palestinian citizens, on Saturday evening, in the village of Azmut, east of Nablus, wounding a young man.

Medical and local sources reported that settlers, under the protection of the Zionist enemy forces, fired live bullets at citizens while they were trying to extinguish fires that broke out on their lands near the “Alon Moreh” colony, which was built on village lands, which led to a young man (21 years old) being injured by live bullets in the thigh, and he was transported. To the hospital. According to the Palestinian News Agency

resource : Saba