Sa'ada sees hospital launch in Marran

Yemen News Agency SABA
Sa'ada sees hospital launch in Marran
[19/ May/2024]
SA'ADA May 19. 2024 (Saba) -Director of presidential office, Ahmed Hamid, and the two ministers of health (Taha al-Mutawakil) and information (Dhaifallah al-Shami) on Sunday launched Marran Rural Hospital in Haidan, a district in the Yemeni northern governorate of Sa'ada.

The officials visited different sections in the new hospital to see medical services offered to patients, and turnout of visitors.

Marran deserves great care, Hamid said, as the area is located in the middle of four districts and its hospital and other services can benefit most of the local communities there.

The launch coincided the kickoff of Marran's medical camp and distribution of ambulance cars to six "deprived areas", health minister, Dr. Mutawakil, said.


resource : Saba