Effective participation of Yemen in general meeting of Arab Handball Federation in Baghdad


Yemen News Agency SABA
Effective participation of Yemen in general meeting of Arab Handball Federation in Baghdad
[19/ May/2024]
BAGHDAD May 19. 2024 (Saba) - The Yemeni Handball Federation participated in the General Assembly meeting of the Arab Federation, which concluded its work today,Sunday, in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

The Secretary-General of the Federation, Hamza Saleh, explained to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that the meeting discussed the General Secretariat’s report on the progress of performance in various organizational, technical and financial aspects during the last period, and topics related to the Federation’s plan for the coming period and the proposals of the Iraqi and Algerian federations regarding nominations for the upcoming elections.

He pointed out that the meeting also discussed aspects of developing the skills and capabilities of coaches and referees by working to qualify and train them to benefit from them in training teams and refereeing tournaments, as well as providing tools for the game to the affiliated federations, including the Yemeni Football Federation, and approved the schedule for external tournaments for the Arab Federation.

Saleh pointed out that the leadership of the Arab Handball Federation expressed during the meeting its readiness to provide the necessary support to the Yemeni Federation to activate its role and improve its performance, which will reflect positively on the development and revitalization of the game and the expansion of its practice base.


resource : SABA