Women's Authority in Ibb organizes cultural competition for summer course students


Yemen News Agency SABA
Women's Authority in Ibb organizes  cultural competition for summer course students
[19/ May/2024]
IBB May 19. 2024 (Saba) - The Women's General Cultural Authority in Ibb province orchestrated a cultural contest targeting female students attending summer courses across several schools in the provincial hub.

Aligned with the commemoration of the Scream/al-Sarkha anniversary, Abdulfattah Ghallab, the province's public mobilization official, underscored the significance of cultural engagements in fostering motivation and enthusiasm among summer course attendees.

He emphasized the pivotal role of such activities in bolstering their cultural awareness, religious connection, and Quranic studies.

Ghallab emphasized the comprehensive nature of the summer courses, encompassing cultural, religious, ethical, and educational dimensions.

He advocated for a diverse range of activities, including sports and contests, aimed at nurturing and showcasing talents, as well as fostering creativity among participants.

Urging organizers of summer courses to redouble their efforts, Ghallab emphasized the imperative of ensuring the success of these programs in achieving their educational, cultural, and religious objectives, thereby contributing to the betterment of families and society at large.

In a parallel statement, Hanaa al-Shami, an official at the Women's Authority in Ibb, highlighted that the contest forms part of the broader spectrum of activities planned by the Authority across numerous summer schools, both in the provincial hub and its outlying districts.

resource : Saba