Suffocation injuries during clashes in Beit Ummar,another attack by settlers in Jericha

Yemen News Agency SABA
Suffocation injuries during clashes in Beit Ummar,another attack by settlers in Jericha
[20/ May/2024]
HEBRON May 20. 2024 (Saba) - Dozens of Palestinian citizens were injured on Monday by suffocation as a result of the Zionist enemy forces firing poison gas canisters in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron.

The Palestinian news agency Wafa quoted Mohammed Awad, a media activist in Beit Ummar, as saying that clashes broke out between the youths and the occupation soldiers during the storming of the neighborhoods of Safa and Bayada in the town, causing dozens of citizens to suffocate, due to inhalation of toxic gas.

The Israeli occupation forces also fired live and rubber bullets, causing the shattering of the windows of a number of vehicles, and the occupation soldiers closed the road linking the towns of Beit Ummar and Surif, preventing the vehicles from passing.

On the other hand, on Monday, an elderly man was injured as a result of an attack by settlers on Al-Ma'arat Road, northwest of Jericho.

Nasser Anani, director of Jericho Governmental Hospital, reported that a 58-year-old man was bruised by settlers who severely beat him and sprayed him with pepper gas while he was traveling through the Marajat road.

For their part, security sources said that settlers attacked with stones the vehicles of citizens passing through the Al-Ma'arijat road linking the Ramallah and Jericho governorates, causing material damage.

In the same context, eyewitnesses reported that settlers seized a truck with a Palestinian number plate, northwest of Al-Auja.

It is noteworthy that the settlers escalated their terrorist attacks against citizens and their properties in a number of towns and villages and on roads in the West Bank, and attacked trucks transporting goods and humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, at the Tarqumia military checkpoint in Hebron.

According to the Committee to Resist the Wall and Settlements, the Israeli occupation forces and settlers carried out 1,242 attacks in the West Bank during the month of April.


resource : SABA