Lebanese Resistance Targets Zionist Enemy Soldiers at "Al-Raheb" Site


Yemen News Agency SABA
Lebanese Resistance Targets Zionist Enemy Soldiers at
[21/ May/2024]
BEIRUT May 21. 2024 (Saba) - The Lebanese National Resistance targeted at dawn today the soldiers of the Zionist enemy at the "Monk" site with rockets and artillery shells.

The resistance said in a statement: "In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of its valiant resistance, and after observing the movements of the Zionist enemy and careful follow-up at the site of the monk and when spotting a group of his soldiers moving in the vicinity of the site at half past two in the morning, the resistance fighters targeted them with rockets and artillery shells.

The Lebanese resistance carried out on Monday 11 operations targeting sites and gatherings of the Zionist enemy on the Lebanese borders and northern occupied Palestine, achieving direct hits, and the location of its members between dead and wounded.


resource : SABA