Syria says Zionist entity constitutes main source of threat to nuclear security in region

Yemen News Agency SABA
Syria says Zionist entity constitutes main source of threat to nuclear security in region
[21/ May/2024]
VIENNA May 21. 2024 (Saba) - The Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed on Tuesday that the Zionist entity, with its nuclear arsenal, poses the primary threat to nuclear security in the region. This stems from its refusal to adhere to relevant international agreements and treaties.

The entity also has a record of blatant violations of international law and the United Nations Charter. Deputy Foreign Minister Bassam Sabbagh made these remarks at the International Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Security in Vienna.

He emphasized that the Zionist entity exploits protection from Western countries regarding its possession of nuclear capabilities. These capabilities exist outside the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and safeguards system.

Sabbagh highlighted Syria's commitment to implementing the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. He also stressed the importance of safeguarding member states' rights to the peaceful use of atomic energy.

He expressed Syria's desire to enhance cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This cooperation aims to benefit from technical support in nuclear energy applications, including human resource training and capacity building.

Sabbagh reiterated Syria’s rejection of unilateral coercive measures imposed by Western countries. These measures hinder Syria's ability to address relevant challenges.

He called for immediate steps to lift restrictions preventing people from enjoying their rights. This includes the right to development and achieving sustainable development goals.

Sabbagh underscored the importance of national institutions in each country bearing responsibility for nuclear security. He emphasized the international commitment to prevent attacks or threats against peaceful nuclear facilities.

Syria prioritizes international legal instruments for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. The country also modernizes its national legislation to align with these frameworks.

He also stressed the importance of the Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Security. The conference commenced with the participation of 130 countries.

Its focus is on preventing nuclear and radioactive materials from falling into the hands of terrorist organizations. Additionally, it aims to strengthen international cooperation in nuclear security.

The conference also facilitates the exchange of experiences among member states. This exchange includes best practices and expertise in the field of nuclear security.

resource : Saba