Al-Massawi inspects progress of work on sewage network extensions project in Salh district

Yemen News Agency SABA
Al-Massawi inspects progress of work on sewage network extensions project in Salh district
[21/ May/2024]

TAIZ May 21. 2024 (Saba) - The Acting Governor of Taiz, Ahmed Amin Al-Massawi, inspected on Tuesday the progress of the sewage network extension project extending from the entrance to the Roads Corporation to Al-Jahim station to the sedimentation basins in Al-Buraihi, Al-Hashma area.

The $730,000 project, funded by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), will benefit 240,000 people by connecting the sewage network to their homes and facilities and connecting it to the treatment plant in Buraihi.

During the visit to the project, along with the governor's undersecretaries, Mansour Ahmed Saddam and Taha Hammam, and the engineer of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Najib Sharrah, the Acting Governor Al-Massawi, considered the projects implemented by UNOPS a positive step in the service of local development.

He stressed the importance of the project to mitigate the environmental damage of sanitation problems in those areas that suffered the scourge of war. "With the cooperation of everyone, work is currently underway at a high pace, and about 15 percent of the three-kilometer, 250-metre project has been completed," he said.

In turn, Deputy Governor Humam explained that the project is one of the infrastructure projects that will serve the residents in those areas, and will work to mitigate the environmental damage caused to citizens.


resource : Saba