Abyan Governor : Unity is here to stay, & destructive projects will fail as their predecessors failed


Yemen News Agency SABA
Abyan Governor : Unity is here to stay, & destructive projects will fail as their predecessors failed
[21/ May/2024]
ABYAN May 21. 2024 (Saba) - The Governor of Abyan Saleh Al-Junaidi confirmed that the Yemeni unity that the Yemeni people achieved and for which they made many sacrifices will remain as a historical, non-negotiable achievement.

The Governor of Abyan explained to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that targeting the Yemeni unity by the invasion and occupation forces is a targeting of the Republic of Yemen, whose birth coincided with this glorious historical day.

He pointed out that the foreign plans that have tried to thwart Yemeni unity since the 1970s have failed throughout the past historical stages to abort this national achievement, and will not succeed in light of the aggression and siege.

Al-Junaidi pointed out that the aggression movements in the occupied southern provinces revealed colonial agendas and old projects aimed at fragmenting Yemen and dividing it into small states subject to external guardianship according to foreign ambitions.

He hoped that this national occasion would return when the southern provinces had been liberated from the occupation, and all the problems that accompanied it would be addressed as a result of the mistakes and ambitions of previous regimes.


resource : SABA