Russia announces start of exercises involving tactical nuclear weapons near Ukraine

Yemen News Agency SABA
Russia announces start of exercises involving tactical nuclear weapons near Ukraine
[21/ May/2024]
MOSCOW May 21. 2024 (Saba) - Russia announced on Tuesday the start of its forces exercises involving tactical nuclear weapons near the border with Ukraine.

The Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement: The Russian Aerospace Force is working within the exercises to equip special combat units with aircraft weapons, including the "Kingal" missiles, which are hypersonic speed.

The ministry stressed that the exercises aim to maintain the readiness of units to use non-strategic nuclear weapons to ensure the safety of Russia, and that they include receiving ammunition, equipping launch vehicles and advancing to the launch zone.

The Defense Ministry published footage from exercises that took place on Tuesday, showing the army preparing the "Iskandar" launch system in one of the secret sites, a tactical missile system developed in Moscow, capable of destroying air defense and missile defense systems.

In its statement, the Defense Ministry noted that the drills are being conducted in response to provocative statements and threats by Western officials against Russia.


resource : SABA