Shabwa Governor: Yemeni unity is most important, prominent historical achievement for Yemeni people

Yemen News Agency SABA
Shabwa Governor: Yemeni unity is most important, prominent historical achievement for Yemeni people
[21/ May/2024]

SANA'A May 21. 2024 (Saba) - Shabwa Governor Awad Mohammed bin Farid al-Awlaki stressed that Yemeni unity will remain the most important and prominent historical achievement of the Yemeni people in the modern era.

Governor Al-Awlaki told the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that Yemeni unity has been achieved thanks to the struggles of Yemenis over the past decades, who realized and believed that it is the only way to build a free, strong and independent Yemen capable of facing all challenges.

He pointed out that Yemeni unity is the real interest of all Yemeni people without exception, pointing out that a strong and independent Yemen is sought by all Yemenis from Al-Mahra to Saada, based on a real partnership based on justice and equality in rights and duties among Yemenis.

He stated that the conspiracies hatched against Yemeni unity since their re-achievement on May 22, 1990 until today have been shattered by the awareness of Yemenis, who are facing for the tenth year the forces of global arrogance led by America, Britain and Israel and their mercenaries and thwarted the conspiratorial plans in Yemen.

Al-Awlaki described the advocates of secession as crisis, who implement a foreign agenda and did not know the suffering of the Yemeni people before unification and did not taste the bitterness of fragmentation, wars and problems suffered by Yemenis, nor do they realize the value of this important achievement.

"It is normal that there are some mistakes and negatives, but the Yemeni people and living forces have the ability to address and correct them," he said. "We are fully confident that the unitary national leadership is aware of the importance of the issue and is working hard to overcome any difficulties to consolidate unity and return it to its true path desired by the Yemeni people," he added.

The Governor of Shabwa advised the advocates of fragmentation to be with their people so as not to tear Yemen into sheikhdoms, sultanates and rival emirates whose conflicts are paid by the people of the south in general, indicating that the capital of Yemeni steadfastness Sana'a, with its revolutionary leadership, the Supreme Political Council and its free people from all governorates of the Republic are at the forefront of confrontation and leading the battle to defend Yemen all of Yemen without exception, based on the responsibility that falls on all Yemenis towards the homeland.

He considered this a religious, moral and national position and duty that made Sana'a the capital of Yemeni steadfastness, revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council a destination for revolutionaries, free people and those who refuse submission from all parts of Yemen to participate in protecting Yemen, its sovereignty and independence. He called on all those involved in supporting and supporting the occupation to return to the right path and join the fateful battle waged by Yemen against the occupation and the countries supporting it, as Yemen will remain and the occupation and its mercenaries will disappear.

He pointed out that what the Yemeni people possess is the first strong of sincere faith, authentic values and a civilizational asset rooted in the depths of history, which made them today at the heart of the confrontation with the forces of arrogance and global tyranny and their tools and at the forefront of defenders and victors of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance, a position that will remain the pride and pride of successive Yemeni, Arab and Islamic generations.


resource : Saba