Demonstrators prevent Blinken from speaking ,boycott his speech

Yemen News Agency SABA
Demonstrators prevent Blinken from speaking ,boycott his speech
[21/ May/2024]
WASHINGTON May 21. 2024 (Saba) - Protesters angry at the White House's policy on the Gaza Strip on Tuesday boycotted U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken during a hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee four times in a row.

The United States is witnessing strong opposition to the White House's policy in the Palestinian-Zionist conflict, with demonstrations taking place at more than 80 campuses in the United States, ranging from the Gaza Solidarity Camp at Columbia University and spreading to the University of California, Los Angeles.

A number of employees in various US ministries also resigned in protest against the support of the administration of US President Joe Biden for the Zionist military operation in the Gaza Strip.


resource : SABA