UN adviser warns of artificial famine in Gaza


Yemen News Agency SABA
UN adviser warns of artificial famine in Gaza
[21/ May/2024]

GAZA May 21. 2024 (Saba) - The Special Adviser to the Secretary-General of the United Nations stressed on Tuesday the need to prevent genocide in Gaza and that the intensified Zionist military offensive on the Gaza Strip "has led to death, destruction and suffering at a pace and magnitude unprecedented in the recent past.

In a speech to the UN Security Council on the humanitarian situation in armed conflict, she said the situation of civilians in conflict in 2023 "was appalling". "About 75 percent of Gaza's population has been forcibly displaced."

The UN adviser also warned of a looming artificial famine and what UNICEF called the "war on children" that killed and injured thousands of children.

"This is an important moment to reflect on the protection of civilians and consider the necessary measures to ensure international humanitarian law, respect for Security Council resolutions, and protect civilians from harm," she said.

This comes as the Zionist enemy continues its aggression against the Gaza Strip, committing more massacres and exacerbating the humanitarian situation in the Strip.


resource : Saba