Implementation of initiative to uproot qat tree & replace it with coffee seedlings in Hajjah countryside

Yemen News Agency SABA
Implementation of initiative to uproot qat tree & replace it with coffee seedlings in Hajjah countryside
[22/ May/2024]

HAJJAH May 22. 2024 (Saba) - An initiative was implemented in the Hajjah Countryside district to uproot the qat tree and replace it with coffee seedlings with the support of the Agricultural Projects and Initiatives Financing Unit in the governorate.

The Undersecretary of Hajjah Governorate - Chairman of the Agricultural Committee in the province Ibrahim Amer told the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that the Agricultural Committee has provided farmer Majid Mohammed Al-Maamari, who uprooted qat trees from his farms, with coffee seedlings through the Agricultural Projects and Initiatives Financing Unit. He pointed out that this initiative is the first at the level of the directorate.

He praised the step taken by the farmer Al-Maamari, which comes within the framework of the directives of the leader of the revolution, Mr. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, to focus on planting crops that each region is famous for. He pointed out that the countryside of Hajjah is one of the fertile areas for the cultivation of the finest types of coffee.

Amer called on farmers to follow this initiative by replacing qat trees with coffee. Stressing the readiness of the Agricultural Committee to provide farmers with the finest coffee seedlings.


resource : Saba