Khamenei: divine promise of demise of Zionist entity will be fulfilled

Yemen News Agency SABA
Khamenei: divine promise of demise of Zionist entity will be fulfilled
[22/ May/2024]
TEHRAN May 22. 2024 (Saba) - The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Sayyed Ali Khamenei, stressed that the divine promise regarding the demise of the Zionist entity will be fulfilled, and thanks to the Almighty, the State of Palestine will start from the sea to the river hopefully.

"The first divine promise about the Palestinian people has already been fulfilled, and this has crystallized through the victory of the people of Gaza as a small group, the imam of the oppression of great powers such as America, NATO, Britain and other countries," Khamenei said when he received Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas' political bureau on Wednesday.

"Based on this foundation, the second divine promise of the demise of the Zionist entity will also be fulfilled, and by the grace of God Almighty, the day will come when the State of Palestine will start from the river to the sea," he added.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution praised the feelings of solidarity shown by the Palestinian people, especially the people of Gaza, for the martyrdom of the Iranian President and his companions, and also offered condolences and congratulations to Mr. Haniyeh on the martyrdom of his sons, and praised his patience with the calamities.

Referring to the repercussions of the great steadfastness of the Palestinian people, which stunned the whole world, Mr. Khamenei said, "Who would have believed that the day would come when American universities would rise up in victory for the Palestinian people and their cause?!

Where the crowds of students carrying Palestinian flags, and there in Japan that also witnessed marches in solidarity with Palestine, who would have expected that?"

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran pointed out that the First Vice President of the Republic, Mohammad Mokhbar, who will assume the responsibility of managing the executive affairs in Iran according to the country's constitution, will proceed with the same policies and orientations and with the same motivation and morale that the deceased Iranian president had towards Palestine.


resource : SABA