United Nations: 815,000 Palestinians displaced from Rafah, 100,000 heading north


Yemen News Agency SABA
United Nations: 815,000 Palestinians displaced from Rafah, 100,000 heading north
[23/ May/2024]
NEW YORK May 23. 2024 (Saba) - United Nations spokesperson Stephane Dujarric revealed that since May 6, a staggering 815,000 Palestinians have been displaced from Rafah, with nearly 100 others compelled to relocate northward due to relentless Zionist aggression targeting both the south and north of the Gaza Strip.

During a press briefing on Thursday, Dujarric disclosed that approximately 150,000 individuals in Khan Yunis have enlisted for assistance from UNRWA over the past ten days, leading to a 36 percent surge in the number of Palestinians seeking refuge in United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) facilities.

Emphasizing the tireless efforts of UN organizations and their partners, Dujarric highlighted plans to establish additional community kitchens in Khan Yunis to cater to the nutritional needs of the Palestinian population.

However, he underscored the persistent challenge posed by shortages in essential supplies required for meal preparation, hindering the effectiveness of relief endeavors.

Meanwhile, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs underscored the dire situation faced by civilians displaced by the Gaza Strip aggression, stressing the urgent need for essential services crucial for human survival.

resource : Saba