Zionist enemy invades Balata refugee camp eastern Nablus, Hebron


Yemen News Agency SABA
 Zionist enemy invades Balata refugee camp eastern Nablus, Hebron
[24/ May/2024]
NABLUS May 24. 2024 (Saba) - The Zionist enemy forces invaded Balata refugee camp eastern Nablus and the city of Hebron early Friday morning.

The Palestinian news agency, WAFA, quoted security sources as saying that a number of Israeli jeeps and a military bulldozer stormed the camp, began to excavate the infrastructure at its entrances, and fired live ammunition, tear gas, and sound bombs, leading to clashes, without any reports of injuries or arrests.

Local sources reported that the occupation forces raided the city with several vehicles, and deployed in Wadi al-Harya area and the suburb of the municipality in the city.

resource : Saba