Health ministry holds US responsible for massacre against Palestinian hospitals, medical teams.

Yemen News Agency SABA
Health ministry holds US responsible for massacre against Palestinian hospitals, medical teams.
[24/ May/2024]
SANA'A May 24 .2024 (Saba) - The Ministry of Public Health and Population in Yemen held on Frinday the United States of America and international institutions responsible for the ongoing massacre perpetrated by the Zionist entity against Palestinian hospitals and medical teams in the Gaza Strip, under the complicity from international institutions, led by the World Health Organization.

In a statement, the Ministry clarified that the Zionist occupation's raid on al-Awda Hospital in northern Gaza on Thursday and its evacuation of medical teams and the detention of some of them and patients, in addition to targeting Kamal Adwan Hospital, constitute a new Zionist crime aimed at emptying the north of the Strip of hospitals to kill as many civilians as possible and eradicate all life components there.

The statement commended the medical and ambulance teams for their legendary efforts in treating the wounds of the Palestinian people under extremely harsh conditions of direct Zionist bombardment and deliberate targeting.

It urged all living consciences around the world to pressure the occupation to neutralize hospitals from targeting as they provide pure humanitarian service and allow the entry of medical supplies and fuel.

The Ministry called on the World Health Organization and concerned international institutions to stop evading their responsibilities and take a clear stance and urgent measures to halt the ongoing Zionist crimes against Palestinian hospitals.

It also urged the international community to provide urgent protection for hospitals, teams, and workers in medical centers and to support all sector hospitals facing direct deliberate targeting.

resource : Saba