Two Palestinians injured in Qasra, southern Nablus, Hebron

Yemen News Agency SABA
Two Palestinians injured in Qasra, southern Nablus, Hebron
[26/ May/2024]
NABLUS May 26. 2024 (Saba) - A young Palestinian man sustained injuries from live bullets during an assault by settlers, backed by the Israeli army, on homes in the town of Qasra, located in southern Nablus.

Fouad Hassan, a activist advocating for resistance against settlements, relayed to the Palestinian Wafa Agency that a group of settlers from "Esh Kodesh" targeted multiple residences in the southeastern area of the town, under the protection of the occupying army, and indiscriminately fired live ammunition at the houses.

Hassan noted the swift response of the town's residents to repel the attack, leading to confrontations with both the occupation forces and settlers. During the clashes, the young man, aged 29, sustained gunshot wounds to the abdomen.

Additionally, the occupation forces confiscated a civilian vehicle while it was leaving the town, accompanied by settlers.

In a separate incident, a civilian was injured and two others were detained following a settler assault and an incursion by enemy forces into Bani Naim, located east of Hebron, and Dura, situated to the south.

According to Palestinian Wafa, settlers launched an attack on municipality workers in Bani Naim as they were engaged in extending water lines in the Al-Qasr area of the Bani Naim wilderness. The altercation resulted in Deputy Mayor Nader Hamidat sustaining bruises; he was subsequently transported by Red Crescent Ambulance for medical attention.

Furthermore, local sources reported that the occupation forces apprehended citizens Jihad Abu Znaid and Jihad Jibril Al-Sharha after conducting a raid on the town of Dura, situated south of Hebron.

resource : Saba