Entesfaf Org. condemns Zionist Enemy's continued crimes against Palestinians


Yemen News Agency SABA
Entesfaf Org. condemns Zionist Enemy's continued crimes against Palestinians
[28/ May/2024]
SANA'A May 28. (Saba) - Entesaf Organization for Women and Children's Rights on Tuesday condemned the ongoing crimes of the Zionist occupation against the Palestinian people, culminating in the massacre of displaced persons in Rafah city, which resulted in the death of 45 individuals, including 23 children and women, and the injury of over 249 others.

In a statement, the organization denounced the continued blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip, the prevention of entry of fuel and medicines, and the power cuts, exacerbating the suffering and causing a severe humanitarian crisis.

The statement affirmed that these crimes constitute grave violations of international humanitarian law, which criminalizes the targeting of civilians in any form. The deliberate targeting of civilian areas by the Israeli occupation confirms its violation of the principles and rules of international humanitarian law, including the principles of humanity, distinction, and proportionality, elevating these crimes to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The statement held the Zionist occupation responsible for all crimes targeting civilians, hospitals, ambulances, and others. It also held the United Nations, the Security Council, Arab and Islamic countries responsible for their shameful silence and evasion of their duties, which encouraged the Zionist enemy to continue committing war crimes against civilians in Palestinian territories.

The organization reiterated its demand for the international community, especially the International Court of Justice, to open investigations, hold criminal accountabilities, and punish all those implicated in these crimes.

It called on human rights organizations, honorable individuals, and free people of the world to shoulder their ethical and humanitarian responsibilities in supporting the Palestinian people and pressuring the Security Council to fulfill its legal and moral duty in protecting civilians and halting the aggression.

resource : Saba