Beijing Demands Washington: Hands off Maritime disputes with China, Neighbors

Yemen News Agency SABA
Beijing Demands Washington: Hands off Maritime disputes with China, Neighbors
[28/ May/2024]
BEIJING May 28. 2024 (Saba) - The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Tuesday urged the United States to refrain from interfering in maritime disputes between China and its neighbors and cautioned against mobilizing "exclusive cliques" to counter China's activities at sea.

In a statement released regarding the second round of Chinese-American consultations on maritime matters conducted via video conference on May 24, the Chinese Foreign Ministry revealed that both parties exchanged perspectives on maritime developments and related issues, agreeing to uphold ongoing dialogue and engagement.

The Ministry's statement emphasized, "The United States must avoid involvement in maritime disputes between China and neighboring nations and refrain from forming exclusive alliances with the intention of 'sea containment' against China, in order to preserve peace and stability in the region."

China expressed "grave concern" over provocations orchestrated by the United States in waters surrounding China, urging Washington to genuinely respect China's sovereignty, interests, and maritime rights.

China also urged the United States to cease its support for factions advocating "Taiwan independence," emphasizing that the "one China" principle serves as a fundamental political cornerstone for Sino-American relations.


resource : Saba