Raymah.. Checking out activities of summer courses in Al-Jabain District


Yemen News Agency SABA
Raymah.. Checking out activities of summer courses in Al-Jabain District
[28/ May/2024]
RAYMAH May 28. 2024 (Saba) - The representative of Raymah Governorate, Yaish Al-Dubaibi, today reviewed the progress of summer course activities at the September 26 School in Bani Al-Dubaibi area in Al-Jabain District.

During the visit, Agent Al-Dubai stressed the importance of summer courses and schools to build a Qur’anic generation that adheres to its faith identity, and to exploit their free time to develop their skills in various fields, especially in memorizing the Holy Qur’an and its sciences.

He pointed out that today's generation is the nation's hope for the future, which requires attention to the youth, and raising them in a Quranic faith education. He urged everyone to redouble efforts to raise the level of performance, make the summer courses successful, and achieve their goals.

He praised the role of those in charge of the summer courses at the September 26 School, and their keenness to provide students with scientific and religious knowledge, protect their reality from false ideas, and confront the aggressive attack of the forces of evil and arrogance.


resource : Saba