Widespread Struggle: Yemen's Occupied Provinces Grapple with Summer Heat and Soaring Prices: report


Yemen News Agency SABA
 Widespread Struggle: Yemen's Occupied Provinces Grapple with Summer Heat and Soaring Prices: report
[28/ May/2024]
SANA'A May 28. 2024 (Saba) - In the midst of a corrupt puppet government, residents of the occupied provinces are engulfed in the summer heat and the blaze of soaring prices.

For the ninth consecutive year, successive puppet governments continue their quest to address the crises of service deficiencies, the collapse of the illegal currency, and the repercussions thereof on the economic and living conditions of citizens in the occupied provinces.

Hardly a week or sometimes a month passes without this government of contradictions convening, even if only through a televised circle gathering its members scattered across the region to discuss what it terms as urgent measures to halt the currency depreciation, control exchange rates, and stop their dangerous impact on citizens' livelihoods. However, these meetings yield no fruits or any positive impact felt by the oppressed citizens in the occupied provinces, as they have become dedicated to media consumption and public relations.

While residents of those provinces face the scorching summer heat without electricity, this so-called 'government' continues to talk about necessary measures to alleviate the existing suffering, especially concerning the electricity service.

Alongside the intense heatwave, the inhabitants of the southern provinces face a war of prices, economic hardship, and bitter suffering in economic, living, and service aspects due to the depreciation of currency exchange rates in those provinces. Consequently, there are continuous hikes in the prices of essential foodstuffs, including bread, which many families are now unable to afford sufficiently to meet their needs.

This corrupt and inept government persists in making false promises and distracting citizens with its habitual rhetoric about its determination to take necessary decisions and decisive actions in the short term to address the prevailing problems. Yet, these promises remain unfulfilled, and more facts and evidence emerge about its corruption, embezzlement, manipulation of the Yemeni people's funds, exploitation of their resources, blatant abuse of its financial and administrative powers, and committing further legal violations and great betrayals to the country and its people, including compromising national sovereignty.

In contrast, citizens' patience is wearing thin, awaiting any effective action by this government to tackle the current challenges. They are tired of its lies regarding translating its plans into executive programs regarding corruption eradication, expenditure rationalization, optimal utilization of foreign aid and grants, resource development, and other empty promises.

Everyone now considers talking about these illusory plans and programs of this government as implicit admission by its members of practicing corruption, plundering goods, seizing external aid and grants for their personal interests, given the vast properties, companies, and wealth they possess in many countries regionally and globally.

In addition to the service war and price hikes, the specter of security deterioration exacerbates the situation, turning the lives of millions of citizens in the occupied provinces into hell due to the looting, robbery, assaults, and numerous violations they endure without receiving any justice from the security and law enforcement agencies there, which have turned into tools for oppressing and suppressing the citizens.

The people of the southern provinces accuse the Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition and its mercenaries of destroying national resources in those provinces, standing behind the multiple crises they face. Through these policies of destruction, the aggression coalition imposes collective punishment on its inhabitants.

For years, the occupation and its mercenaries have been waging a service war against millions of residents of the occupied provinces. For example, the electricity crisis has escalated to unprecedented levels in the city of Aden recently, due to the disruption and destruction of Aden's refineries, turning them into oil tanks for the black market traders.

Consequently, these manufactured crises by the occupation and its tools, notably the electricity outage, security deterioration, and the lack of services, have become the predominant and prevailing feature in those provinces. This is a result of the destruction policies pursued by the aggression coalition through its instruments of collaborators and mercenaries, who plunder the resources of those provinces, sufficient to provide all basic services to the citizens.

Politically, the corrupt government continues its blatant contradictions regarding the Zionist-American aggression on Gaza. It never fails in its every meeting to demand the international community to halt the Yemeni Armed Forces' operations against Zionist entity ships and its supporters, attempting to tarnish this great and courageous stance adopted by the leadership in Sana'a to support our brethren in Palestine. Meanwhile, it talks about the right of the Palestinian people to confront Zionist aggression.

Moreover, the head of the puppet government continues to brief its members on the latest developments regarding the results of his space shuttle trips to appeal to the countries of the aggression coalition and the international community as a whole to continue providing generous support to his government and its members, to achieve more wealth and prosperity for them.

He also does not forget to inform them of the results of his visits and communications with the capitals of the countries participating in the aggression against Palestine and Yemen, and the hollow promises he made to those supportive governments to help this entity hasten to finish off whatever remains of Gaza's inhabitants without facing any threats to its interests from Yemen."

resource : Saba