NYT Report: visual analysis reveals US-made missiles in Rafah massacre


Yemen News Agency SABA
NYT Report: visual analysis reveals US-made missiles in Rafah massacre
[29/ May/2024]
NEW YORK May 29. 2024 (Saba) - The New York Times on Wednesday released a recent report detailing its visual examination of images depicting the tragic events in Rafah last Sunday, where the Zionist military's actions resulted in the loss of numerous Palestinian lives. The investigation unveiled that the remnants of the enemy army's missile debris exclusively consisted of American-made missiles.

The newspaper quoted what it described as “weapons and visual evidence experts,” who examined the photos that spread about the massacre, as confirming that “the ammunition debris that was photographed at the site of the strike the next day was the remains of the GBU-39 bomb, a bomb that was designed and manufactured in United States, weighing 17 kilograms.

The American newspaper explained in its report that “the main detail in the weapon’s wreckage is the tail operating system, which controls the fins that direct the GBU-39 bomb to the target.”

"The weapon's unique bolt pattern and the slot in which the folding fins are stored were clearly visible in the wreckage," former US Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal technician Trevor Ball was quoted as saying.

The newspaper indicated in its report that American officials had encouraged the Zionist enemy army for months to increase the use of “GBU-39” bombs in Gaza because they are generally more accurate and more suitable for urban environments than larger bombs, including American-made bombs that weigh 2,000. One pound (more than 900 kilograms), which is widely used by the Zionist enemy.

resource : Saba