North Korea launches 10 short-range ballistic missiles towards East Sea

Yemen News Agency SABA
North Korea launches 10 short-range ballistic missiles towards East Sea
[30/ May/2024]
SEOUL May 30. 2024 (Saba) - The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff reported Thursday that North Korea had launched approximately 10 short-range ballistic missiles toward the East Sea.

According to the statement, the South Korean army observed the launch of these suspected short-range ballistic missiles from the Sunan area in Pyongyang earlier that morning. The missiles traveled approximately 350 kilometers before landing in the East Sea. It's believed that they were launched from large KN-25 multiple rocket launchers.

The South Korean military strongly condemned these launches, stating that they posed a threat to the greater capital area and major bases within missile range. They described the actions as provocative and pledged a firm response to North Korea's actions.

This missile launch occurred just three days after Pyongyang's unsuccessful attempt to launch a satellite. The space rocket carrying the satellite exploded during the initial stage of flight shortly after liftoff.

resource : Saba