Hezbollah: Brutal Zionist enemy only understands logic of force, resistance


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hezbollah: Brutal Zionist enemy only understands logic of force, resistance
[30/ May/2024]

BEIRUT May 30. 2024 (Saba) - Deputy Chairman of the Executive Council of the Lebanese Hezbollah Sheikh Ali Damoush said on Thursday that the brutal Zionist enemy only understands the logic of force and resistance.

According to Lebanese media, Sheikh Damoush stressed in a speech during a ceremony held by Hezbollah last night that the front in the south continues to support Gaza, and will not stop regardless of the sacrifices before the aggression stops.

He said: "The resistance is making achievements on this front, and the equations are enshrined, which led to the displacement of more than ninety thousand settlers from northern occupied Palestine, and disrupted life, interests and factories in this region, and inflicted and continues to incur great losses on the enemy."

He considered that "the achievements and results achieved by the southern front are large and qualitative, and confused the enemy and entered it through its operations, missiles and marches in a real war of attrition, and shattered its image, weakened its army, and blew up a major crisis in its face inside the Zionist, between the settlers of the north and the enemy government, until the talk today in the enemy's media that "Israel" lost the north, and that the north has become at the mercy of Hezbollah.

"The achievements of the resistance on this front are much greater than what the enemy admits, and the pressure exerted on Lebanon to stop this front is evidence of the extent of the impact of this front on the enemy, and the size of the losses it suffers there," he said.

He added: "It is true that we offer dear martyrs and sacrifices and that the cost of the human and material battle that we pay is painful, but compared to the size of the confrontation and its dimensions and results are normal and we have to bear it, and we, our society and our people - the honorable people of the resistance - and the families of the honorable martyrs already bear it from the position of awareness of the nature of this battle, its importance and dimensions."

He pointed out that "the Zionist enemy's persistence in aggression against Lebanese villages and towns, targeting civilians, committing crimes, bombing towns and destroying homes, will not get the enemy out of the predicament in which it is floundering, nor will it compensate for its inability and failure to achieve its goals, nor will it return settlers to settlements, nor will it stop this front supporting Gaza or change the positions of the resistance."

Sheikh Damoush pointed out that "the Zionist enemy in crisis in Lebanon is in the depth of the crisis in Gaza, because Gaza, due to the steadfastness and solidity of the resistance in it, confirms every day the enemy's inability and failure in the field, as it tries to escape its failure by targeting civilians and committing more destruction and massacres, not the last of which is the brutal massacres committed two days ago against innocent people in the camps for the displaced in Rafah, which killed dozens of martyrs, most of them women and children."

He held the US administration primarily responsible for these massacres, because these massacres are committed with American bombs and missiles, and with American cover, and America is a key partner in everything that is happening in Gaza.

He explained that "the US administration, through some hypocritical positions, is trying to polish its image, after it was exposed and exposed to public opinion, but no matter how much it tries to polish its image and deceive public opinion, this will not fool anyone, because the whole world knows that the US administration is the first supporter of "Israel" in its aggression, politically, media, military and security, and it is the one that finances, arms and secures the full cover for this ongoing brutal aggression, and if it wanted to stop the aggression, it would have done so with the stroke of a pen, but it does not want to.

Sheikh Damoush concluded his speech by saying: "All these facts and facts have the same message, which is that the Security Council, the United Nations, the International Court and the international community do not protect a country, do not preserve a people and do not secure the dignity of a people, and whoever protects our country, our people, our sovereignty, our dignity and our freedom in this savage world devoid of its humanity, morals and values, is our strength, resistance, unity, courage and willingness to sacrifice and the path taken by our martyrs and martyrs mujahideen, which is the path of resistance, because this savage enemy only understands the logic of force and resistance."


resource : Saba