Baqeri: International community is obligated to stop the genocide of Palestinian people

Yemen News Agency SABA
Baqeri: International community is obligated to stop the genocide of Palestinian people
[11/ June/2024]
TEHRAN June 11. 2024 (Saba) - Acting Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Baqeri stressed the need for the international community to legally and morally commit to stopping and preventing the genocide of the Palestinian people.

Tasnim International News Agency quoted Baqeri in a letter to the UN Secretary-General and the President of the UN Security Council on Tuesday, saying: It is necessary to ensure that all their humanitarian needs are met immediately and without hindrance, and it is the duty of the United Nations to ask all member states to refrain from cooperating with the aggressor entity.

He pointed out that this cooperation can be considered as a partnership in committing the most serious crimes that raise concern for the international community and entail international responsibility, and at the same time, the Security Council must assume its responsibilities under the UN Charter.

He added: The international community is obligated to put an immediate end to the ongoing crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories and protect innocent civilians.

resource : Saba