Moscow: Washington is trying to avenge its loss in Afghanistan

Yemen News Agency SABA
Moscow: Washington is trying to avenge its loss in Afghanistan
[11/ June/2024]
MOSCOW June 11. 2024 (Saba) - Director of the Second Asian Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Zamir Kabulov, said: "The United States is trying to avenge its loss in Afghanistan and its escape from it by harming the Taliban movement."

Kabulov added in an interview with the Novosti News Agency: "It (the United States) is working (to destabilize Afghanistan) in different ways.. First, the Anglo-Saxons... use the capabilities of their intelligence and other proxy bodies to finance terrorist organizations such as ISIS and a series of other (similar organizations), and in this way they are trying to harm the Taliban movement in an attempt to force it to submit."

He added: "The United States has not accepted its loss and escape from Afghanistan and is trying to avenge its shame in every possible way."

Najat N

resource : Saba