Yemen is resistant to enemy conspiracies & will continue to support Palestine

Yemen News Agency SABA
Yemen is resistant to enemy conspiracies & will continue to support Palestine
[12/ June/2024]
SANA'A June 12. 2024 (Saba) - The American-Zionist-British conspiracies against the Yemeni people continue, despite the miserable failure suffered by the forces of hegemony , arrogance , their tools, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, their mercenaries and agents, in stopping military operations and dissuading Sana’a from its position of support for the Palestinians.

America, which is imagined to be the superpower in the world and the big stick that cannot be disobeyed, claims to care for democracy , protect human, women, children and other rights, at the same time it commits thousands of terrorist massacres in Gaza and all of Palestine with its unlimited support for the Zionist entity, which has committed more than Of three thousand and 270 massacres that claimed the lives of more than 120 thousand martyrs, wounded and missing persons over a period of eight months.

Since Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, on October 7, 2023 AD, and Yemen entering a direct battle with the Zionist enemy supported by America and Europe in supporting Palestine and its resistance, by targeting the occupied Palestinian cities, imposing a naval blockade on the bastard entity, striking everything related to the ships, destroyers, and battleships supporting it, the mobilization has mobilized America, with its entire forces and fleets, formed international military coalitions under multiple names for the war on Yemen, launched raids on a broader and direct scale, but failed to confront the operations of the Yemeni forces.

As a result of America's military failure, it resorted, as part of its conspiratorial plans, to target the Yemeni economic and banking sector, by taking new escalatory measures that it instructed Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and the mercenary government, represented by moving the headquarters of the main commercial banks from Sana'a, eight years after transferring the functions of the Central Bank of Yemen to Aden and pledging to pay the salaries of state employees. Nothing was achieved from this, other than doubling the suffering of the Yemeni people, especially in the occupied provinces.

America's focus on targeting the Yemeni economic and banking sector comes as a pressure card to use against Sana'a, in an attempt to stop the strategic escalation options waged by the Yemeni armed forces in the context of the battle of the "promised conquest and holy jihad", in support of the Palestinian people , their resistance, and to deter the Zionist, American and British enemy, to stop crimes. The genocide being committed in Gaza, Rafah, the West Bank and all of Palestine.

Escalating the aggressive war on the Yemeni economy, its goal is to restrict the livelihood of the Yemenis, and to impose a policy of hegemony on Sana’a to force it to abandon its principled , firm position in support of Palestine and its cause, but it will fail, like its predecessors, in the face of the steadfastness the Yemenis, and their awareness of the dirty foreign conspiracies being hatched against them.

Perhaps the effects of the active and ongoing Yemeni military operations against the Zionist, American and British enemy in the Red, Arab and Mediterranean seas, the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean have disturbed Washington and become a disturbing nightmare due to the economic and political repercussions they have caused on the Zionist entity. This has driven America crazy, which considers Israel its first and strategic ally in the region and has reached Ordering its senile old president, Joe Biden, to say, “If Israel had not existed, we would have created it.”

Hence, America has returned once again to mix the cards, play with fire, and implicate its Saudi and UAE tools to interfere in Yemeni affairs through their agents and mercenaries and implement dangerous escalatory measures that affect the lives and livelihood of all the Yemeni people.

Therefore, the past nine years of the war launched by Saudi Arabia and the UAE against Yemen, with American supervision and support, were an eloquent lesson that Riyadh and Abu Dhabi must absorb in all its details and not repeat it, and be content with what Bin Salman and Bin Zayed committed of foolishness, war of genocide, crimes that devastate humanity, , which they have not and will not forget.

Yemenis throughout history, and it will remain a disgrace on the foreheads of the Saudi and Emirati regimes that will haunt them forever.

In summary, Riyadh has two options, not a third: the option of peace that Sana'a seeks and which all the Yemeni people aspire to without exception, or submitting to the American desire, which will cost it a heavy price and make it pay the bill for what has passed and what may happen if it continues its intransigence , implements the dictates and agenda of America and Britain. And the Zionist entity, and not proceeding with implementing what was agreed upon and fulfilling what it committed to.

The Yemeni people will remain resistant to the American conspiracy and will always make huge sacrifices as a price for their firm positions on the nation’s issues, most notably the Palestinian issue. Their standing in the face of the forces of hegemony and arrogance has made them assume the natural place they deserve as an effective and influential regional power.


resource : SABA