Revolution leader: American received big blow when security services revealed US-Israeli spy cell, network

Yemen News Agency SABA
Revolution leader: American received big blow when security services revealed US-Israeli spy cell, network
[13/ June/2024]

SANA'A June 13. 2024 - The leader of the revolution, Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, confirmed that the American received a big blow by exposing the security services of the cell and the spy network that was working for the American and Israeli and dismantling them.

In a speech this afternoon on the latest developments of the Zionist aggression on Gaza and regional developments, Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi considered the American and Israeli spy network the most dangerous in the history of Yemen.

He called on the Yemeni people to go out tomorrow, Friday, to the seventy square and the squares of the various governorates and directorates, cheering and magnifying and calling for innocence and hostility to the enemies of God, and solidarity, victory and loyalty with the oppressed Palestinian people and free Gaza in the squares and procedures adopted.

Sayyid. Leader talked about the spy network that was operating according to the American request. He pointed out that this network was working in collecting information in various fields, including ministries and administrative units in the state, and the American sought to pass his hostile policies and influence in the economic, educational, security, service, political, media and cultural fields.

He explained that the American worked to obstruct any successful trend or plans in Yemen by negatively affecting plans, decisions and trends within the state, noting that the spy cell has worked for many years and achieved very dangerous successes that caused great harm to the Yemeni people.

The leader of the revolution promised that the failure that the Yemeni people were feeling in the official performance was due in part to the penetration of the spy cell. He stressed that the Americans did not respect the regime in Sana'a before the September 21 revolution, despite its tireless efforts and all its efforts to have a strong relationship with the Americans, and despite the regime's endeavor in Sana'a at the time to serve the Americans, but they worked to penetrate it, violate its sovereignty, harm it and thwart it.

He pointed out that the regime in Sana'a before the revolution of September 21, 2014, opened all doors for the Americans, and they tended to harm the Yemeni people, while the Americans did not appreciate the gratitude to those who worked to strengthen the relationship with them, and this is a great lesson for the Yemeni people and the elites in our country.

The leader of the revolution urged anyone who has a deceptive view of the American to take advantage of the confessions and documents of the American-Zionist spy cell.

"It is interesting that the American was noticing the polarization of spies and involving the Israeli enemy in his intelligence activity, and this is a base he works on in Arab and Islamic countries, and it is important for our people, all the peoples of our Arab and Islamic nation and everyone to benefit from the revealed facts about what the spy network did to the Americans," he said.

"Everyone should be aware of the facts about the subversive activities of the American and how he seeks to harm people in every field," he said. He stressed that the American targets people in their economy, agriculture, education, health and in all fields, because he has an unjust criminal hostile orientation.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi addressed the people of Yemen to focus these days on the file of the American spy cell, as it is a confirmed case in which thousands of irrefutable and scandalous documents are conclusive. He pointed out that the confessions of the US spy cell are linked to facts that have already obtained reality.

He stressed the quest to kill the Zionist enemy more and more, the more the enemy entity continues to commit crimes, its massacres against the Palestinian people and the tragedy and suffering of its sons continue.

"Whenever the crimes of the Zionist enemy against the Palestinian people arise and the tragedy and suffering of their sons continue, we will continue our movement and we will prove and perform what we can and strive for more than we offer and work, and we seek to kill the Zionist enemy more and more, and this is what we hope and seek and are keen on," he said.

He added, "Our dear people hear with feelings and conscience and see with responsibility, conscience and faith, so they move to share the pain and hope of the Palestinian people," stressing that this week, in which the enemy entity committed terrible crimes, there is inaction and silence for many countries and the situation of many Arab and Islamic regimes towards Gaza is similar to what God said about their likes, "Deaf, dumb, and blind".

The leader of the revolution praised the weekly exit of the great Yemeni people who move with courage, boldness and values without tirelessness, boredom or listlessness. "I salute you, our dear people, and may God reward you and bless you, and accept from you this honorable work and action, which provided a model for the whole world," he said.

"Our people hear the groans and cries of Palestinian children and women, so they will not turn to stagnation, indifference, deafness and disregard for what is happening there, and the activities in the mobilization of maneuvers, parades and a military march, which amounted to one thousand and 955 activities, are only an expression of the state of faith conscience of Yemenis," he said.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi reviewed the unprecedented popular activity in the history of the Yemeni people in support of the Palestinian people, which is unparalleled in any other people or country, explaining that this activity reflects the state of faith and the living human conscience and the morals, magnanimity and values of Yemenis.

He stated that the outputs of training in the general mobilization amounted to 368 thousand and 196 trainees, pointing out that one of the greatest closeness to God Almighty and in order for the rest of the work to be acceptable from fasting, remembrances or naafil that a person has an audible attitude towards the grievances of Gaza.

The leader of the revolution stopped at the effective and influential Yemeni front in the battle of" the promised conquest and the holy jihad". "In the Golan, there is also an important track that is within the framework of the fourth phase of escalation, which is the joint operations between the Islamic Resistance in Iraq and the Yemeni armed forces, by carrying out two very important operations this week with a number of winged missiles and drones and targeting important and influential targets on the Zionist enemy," he added.

He pointed out that the statistics of support operations in the battle of Yemen, amounted this week to 11 operations, carried out with 31 ballistic missiles, winged, drone and gunboat, pointing out that the number of ships targeted to date amounted to 145 ships associated with the Zionist enemy and the American and British, and a ship was targeted yesterday and is prone to sinking.

The Commander stated that this escalation comes within the framework of the fourth phase, which is a continuous and effective escalation and will be even greater, and with the ongoing operational track, there is intensive activity in the development path at the technical and tactical levels for more effectiveness.

"There is intensive activity in development to exceed the capabilities of enemies in particular in interception and confusion and to provide momentum in operations, and there is intensive activity in development at the information level as well, because success is very important and the proof is the success of the operational aspect," he said.

He reiterated that operational success has a constant impact on the economy of the enemies, including the Zionist economy, which, by their media's admission, has been affected and affected by the continuous rise in prices in the enemy entity, the scarcity of some basic materials and the impact on the economic level in general.

"The American is very upset, angry, agitated and confused as well, and seeks to implicate others, and the American is annoyed and angry because all his steps have not helped him anything in pressuring the Yemeni position affecting him and his ships," he said.

The Leader of the Revolution pointed out that the Yemeni position brought the American to the point of inability to protect the Israeli movement in the sea, stressing that the American could not provide the enemy entity with protection for its interests and navigation movement in the Red Sea, which had promised him, and the Zionist enemy expresses bitterly the failure of the American to implement his promise to protect his ships and ships associated with him, and contracted with him.

He stressed that the American also failed to protect his ships, after he was involved, and even to protect his warships that smuggle when targeted, and the American pieces smuggle into the sea to the edge of the Red Sea, including "Eisenhower", which fled as others fled.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi stated that the British economy is also in continuous damage, stressing that the American is constantly seeking with the British to pressure Yemen's position at the official and popular levels, as well as at the level of military operations with its raids.

He explained that the number of US-British enemy raids on our country this week amounted to 22 raids on the governorates of Hodeidah, Sana'a and Raymah, indicating that the US-British aggression targeted the government complex in Al-Jabain district Barima and two martyrs rose and nine others were injured, and the government complex Barima is not a missile base or a military site, but a civilian administrative complex.

The Leader of the Revolution also stressed that the American seeks in his aggression against Yemen by pressuring the humanitarian file and stopping all aid that comes through organizations and the United Nations, indicating that the American is pressuring Yemen in the economic file and seeks in this file specifically to implicate the Saudi regime.

He renewed the advice to the Saudi regime not to get involved against Yemen because the Yemeni people are in a war and it is not something new to them, and great suffering as a result of the aggression for years. "We will not accept the equation that our people are suffocated and starved and others tend to harm them and they are in comfort and well-being and do not suffer any harm," he said.

"Whoever wants to harm our people will be harmed, and our boldness is clear in our right position, our boldness is clear even towards the American, whom you make gods you are ashamed and subject to, and there are no hostile intentions on our part towards any Arab country, but we will not accept that any Arab regime goes to harm our people in the service of Israel and obedience to America," he said.

"Any Saudi position at this time against our people is definitely a service to the Zionist enemy and a supporter of it in obedience to America, and we warn that it is not in anyone's interest to implicate himself and endanger his interests in the service of the Zionist entity," said Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi.

He addressed Saudi Arabia, "What motivates you to be concerned with courting Israel so that the tragedy of Gaza turns into a normalization deal and then a hostile trend against the Yemeni people?, courting Israel is not in your interest or the interest of your people, but rather a service that harms you, offends you, shames you and benefits the Zionist enemy?"

In his speech, the Leader of the Revolution dealt with the developments in the Palestinian arena. He explained that between the Arabs and the middle of the Islamic world, the crime of the century occurs, and the darkness of the era lasts for 251 days and eight months spent for the 36th week, while the Zionist enemy is still committing genocide in the Gaza Strip.

He pointed out that the number of mass massacres amounted to more than three thousand and 340 massacres and the number of martyrs, wounded and prisoners in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank is about 147 thousand, most of them children and women, committed this week more than 35 massacres resulted in the death and injury of more than 2,500 Palestinians.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi stated that the massacre committed by the enemy in the Nuseirat camp with direct American participation, in which the Zionist enemy carried out 250 raids on about 90 houses, and the enemy's ground incursion into the Nuseirat camp from the floating pier.

He pointed out that the use of the floating pier in the Zionist aggression on Nuseirat reveals the fact that it is an American base. "In the past, decades ago, the tragedy of Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina was the biggest problem of geographical distance and difficulty in supply," he said.

The leader of the revolution indicated that the Palestinian people are a people in the middle of the Islamic world and in an Arab and Islamic environment that can support and support, but there is a clear shortcoming. "It is an insult to the Qur'an, Islam and the Prophet of Islam for the Palestinian people to starve to the point of death," he said.

"Let the pilgrims remember that the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip were deprived of pilgrimage to the Sacred House of God, and it is very unfortunate that with all that is happening, some governments and some Arab regimes tend to participate in maneuvers under American supervision with the Zionist enemy," he said.

He stated that the military exercises under American supervision and with the participation of the Zionist enemy are entitled "Eager Lion", "Massive Anger" and "African Lion". "When we come to these headlines, "Assad", what Assad and the Arab countries watch the Palestinian people being killed in genocide?" he asked.

The leader expressed regret in the move of some Arab regimes to make themselves a anchor to protect the Zionist enemy instead of contributing to the defense of the Palestinian people. Again, he asked, "Why this collusion and cooperation with the Zionist enemy and the great inaction of most regimes and governments?

"Most people sympathize with their hearts but do not act on a practical level effectively, even in the simple steps available, and the reality of the Zionist enemy and the American reality is not so much that we expect that these regimes saw themselves in a situation where they have no other choice," he said.

The leader of the revolution pointed out that these regimes must first take lessons from the steadfastness of the mujahideen in Gaza despite genocide, daily killings and starvation, who with their limited capabilities confront the Zionist enemy for eight months in an ongoing battle.

"Why don't they take the lesson and benefit from the position of the honorable support fronts, including the position of our Yemeni people at the official and popular levels, which represents a lesson for all regimes," he asked.

"Our country, despite its great suffering, war, siege and total attack against it, stands in an honorable position that expresses its humanity and morals. Addressing the regimes, he said, "Why do you fail to this degree and then not only fail, but also contribute to the Zionist enemy in protecting and reassuring it."

"It is a shame that some people move with humanitarian motives in America, Europe and Australia, and then the position of the Arab countries does not rise to the level of the popular movement, and despite the prevention of food for students protesting in the West, they are continuing, active and insisting on their movement with a humanitarian motive," he said.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi stressed that the Arabs died their humanity, human conscience and sense of faith and Islam, and values and morals faded, and they did not benefit from the position of some Latin and European countries that took practical steps and severed their relations with the Zionist enemy.

He pointed out that the Zionist enemy was unable to end the movement of the mujahideen in the Gaza Strip nor to eliminate them and did not restore his prisoners, stressing that the enemy after eight months of aggression and criminality was able to recover four prisoners with American participation, which is not a success and the Zionist enemy needs in this way to long years to recover its prisoners.

The promise of the steadfastness of the mujahideen in Gaza is a sign of God and proof of their faith, awareness, stability and humanity. "This week, it was observed in the Rafah axis that qualitative operations were carried out in the abuse of the enemy and the continuation of rocket barrages towards the 'Gaza envelope', and what the video scenes show is a little of what is happening in the field of clashing with the Zionist enemy and abusing it," he said.

The Leader of the Revolution explained that one of the most important things that is happening in the Gaza Strip is the level of cooperation and coordination between the Palestinian factions in the Strip, stressing that the state of disparity and Zionist resignations from the highest levels shows the reality and consequences of the current Israeli situation in failure and real failure.

He referred to the Hezbollah front, which is engaged in a direct battle with the Zionist enemy, describing the Hezbollah front as advanced and effective, and the most influential in the support fronts, and it continues to escalate significantly against the enemy.

The Burkan missile inflicts strong destruction on the Zionist enemy and leaves massive destruction on its military bases and barracks, he said, noting that the drones fired by Hezbollah at the Israeli enemy penetrate the enemy's protection capabilities.

He pointed out that Hezbollah succeeded in targeting the iron platforms and influence of the Zionist enemy, and is being hit and directly influenced, stressing that the Zionist enemy is confused about the Hezbollah front, because it is an effective, influential and painful front.

"The involvement of the Israeli enemy in a full-scale war with Hezbollah, as it is aware of the dangerous and destructive consequences that many of its leaders are talking about, and there is a very important influence on the part of Hezbollah in the support front in Lebanon to support the Palestinian front," he said.

The Commander spoke about the Iraqi Front, which the Islamic Resistance in Iraq announced five operations this week against vital targets of the Zionist enemy in occupied Palestine.


Revolution leader: American received big blow when security services revealed US-Israeli spy cell, network
SANA'A June 13. 2024 - The leader of the revolution, Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, confirmed that the American received a big blow by exposing the security services of the cell and the spy network that was working for the American and Israeli and dismantling them.

In a speech this afternoon on the latest developments of the Zionist aggression on Gaza and regional developments, Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi considered the American and Israeli spy network the most dangerous in the history of Yemen.

He called on the Yemeni people to go out tomorrow, Friday, to the seventy square and the squares of the various governorates and directorates, cheering and magnifying and calling for innocence and hostility to the enemies of God, and solidarity, victory and loyalty with the oppressed Palestinian people and free Gaza in the squares and procedures adopted.

Sayyid. Leader talked about the spy network that was operating according to the American request. He pointed out that this network was working in collecting information in various fields, including ministries and administrative units in the state, and the American sought to pass his hostile policies and influence in the economic, educational, security, service, political, media and cultural fields.

He explained that the American worked to obstruct any successful trend or plans in Yemen by negatively affecting plans, decisions and trends within the state, noting that the spy cell has worked for many years and achieved very dangerous successes that caused great harm to the Yemeni people.

The leader of the revolution promised that the failure that the Yemeni people were feeling in the official performance was due in part to the penetration of the spy cell. He stressed that the Americans did not respect the regime in Sana'a before the September 21 revolution, despite its tireless efforts and all its efforts to have a strong relationship with the Americans, and despite the regime's endeavor in Sana'a at the time to serve the Americans, but they worked to penetrate it, violate its sovereignty, harm it and thwart it.

He pointed out that the regime in Sana'a before the revolution of September 21, 2014, opened all doors for the Americans, and they tended to harm the Yemeni people, while the Americans did not appreciate the gratitude to those who worked to strengthen the relationship with them, and this is a great lesson for the Yemeni people and the elites in our country.

The leader of the revolution urged anyone who has a deceptive view of the American to take advantage of the confessions and documents of the American-Zionist spy cell.
"It is interesting that the American was noticing the polarization of spies and involving the Israeli enemy in his intelligence activity, and this is a base he works on in Arab and Islamic countries, and it is important for our people, all the peoples of our Arab and Islamic nation and everyone to benefit from the revealed facts about what the spy network did to the Americans," he said.

"Everyone should be aware of the facts about the subversive activities of the American and how he seeks to harm people in every field," he said. He stressed that the American targets people in their economy, agriculture, education, health and in all fields, because he has an unjust criminal hostile orientation.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi addressed the people of Yemen to focus these days on the file of the American spy cell, as it is a confirmed case in which thousands of irrefutable and scandalous documents are conclusive. He pointed out that the confessions of the US spy cell are linked to facts that have already obtained reality.

He stressed the quest to kill the Zionist enemy more and more, the more the enemy entity continues to commit crimes, its massacres against the Palestinian people and the tragedy and suffering of its sons continue.

"Whenever the crimes of the Zionist enemy against the Palestinian people arise and the tragedy and suffering of their sons continue, we will continue our movement and we will prove and perform what we can and strive for more than we offer and work, and we seek to kill the Zionist enemy more and more, and this is what we hope and seek and are keen on," he said.

He added, "Our dear people hear with feelings and conscience and see with responsibility, conscience and faith, so they move to share the pain and hope of the Palestinian people," stressing that this week, in which the enemy entity committed terrible crimes, there is inaction and silence for many countries and the situation of many Arab and Islamic regimes towards Gaza is similar to what God said about their likes, "Deaf, dumb, and blind".

The leader of the revolution praised the weekly exit of the great Yemeni people who move with courage, boldness and values without tirelessness, boredom or listlessness. "I salute you, our dear people, and may God reward you and bless you, and accept from you this honorable work and action, which provided a model for the whole world," he said.

"Our people hear the groans and cries of Palestinian children and women, so they will not turn to stagnation, indifference, deafness and disregard for what is happening there, and the activities in the mobilization of maneuvers, parades and a military march, which amounted to one thousand and 955 activities, are only an expression of the state of faith conscience of Yemenis," he said.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi reviewed the unprecedented popular activity in the history of the Yemeni people in support of the Palestinian people, which is unparalleled in any other people or country, explaining that this activity reflects the state of faith and the living human conscience and the morals, magnanimity and values of Yemenis.

He stated that the outputs of training in the general mobilization amounted to 368 thousand and 196 trainees, pointing out that one of the greatest closeness to God Almighty and in order for the rest of the work to be acceptable from fasting, remembrances or naafil that a person has an audible attitude towards the grievances of Gaza.

The leader of the revolution stopped at the effective and influential Yemeni front in the battle of" the promised conquest and the holy jihad". "In the Golan, there is also an important track that is within the framework of the fourth phase of escalation, which is the joint operations between the Islamic Resistance in Iraq and the Yemeni armed forces, by carrying out two very important operations this week with a number of winged missiles and drones and targeting important and influential targets on the Zionist enemy," he added.

He pointed out that the statistics of support operations in the battle of Yemen, amounted this week to 11 operations, carried out with 31 ballistic missiles, winged, drone and gunboat, pointing out that the number of ships targeted to date amounted to 145 ships associated with the Zionist enemy and the American and British, and a ship was targeted yesterday and is prone to sinking.

The Commander stated that this escalation comes within the framework of the fourth phase, which is a continuous and effective escalation and will be even greater, and with the ongoing operational track, there is intensive activity in the development path at the technical and tactical levels for more effectiveness.

"There is intensive activity in development to exceed the capabilities of enemies in particular in interception and confusion and to provide momentum in operations, and there is intensive activity in development at the information level as well, because success is very important and the proof is the success of the operational aspect," he said.

He reiterated that operational success has a constant impact on the economy of the enemies, including the Zionist economy, which, by their media's admission, has been affected and affected by the continuous rise in prices in the enemy entity, the scarcity of some basic materials and the impact on the economic level in general.

"The American is very upset, angry, agitated and confused as well, and seeks to implicate others, and the American is annoyed and angry because all his steps have not helped him anything in pressuring the Yemeni position affecting him and his ships," he said.

The Leader of the Revolution pointed out that the Yemeni position brought the American to the point of inability to protect the Israeli movement in the sea, stressing that the American could not provide the enemy entity with protection for its interests and navigation movement in the Red Sea, which had promised him, and the Zionist enemy expresses bitterly the failure of the American to implement his promise to protect his ships and ships associated with him, and contracted with him.

He stressed that the American also failed to protect his ships, after he was involved, and even to protect his warships that smuggle when targeted, and the American pieces smuggle into the sea to the edge of the Red Sea, including "Eisenhower", which fled as others fled.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi stated that the British economy is also in continuous damage, stressing that the American is constantly seeking with the British to pressure Yemen's position at the official and popular levels, as well as at the level of military operations with its raids.

He explained that the number of US-British enemy raids on our country this week amounted to 22 raids on the governorates of Hodeidah, Sana'a and Raymah, indicating that the US-British aggression targeted the government complex in Al-Jabain district Barima and two martyrs rose and nine others were injured, and the government complex Barima is not a missile base or a military site, but a civilian administrative complex.

The Leader of the Revolution also stressed that the American seeks in his aggression against Yemen by pressuring the humanitarian file and stopping all aid that comes through organizations and the United Nations, indicating that the American is pressuring Yemen in the economic file and seeks in this file specifically to implicate the Saudi regime.

He renewed the advice to the Saudi regime not to get involved against Yemen because the Yemeni people are in a war and it is not something new to them, and great suffering as a result of the aggression for years. "We will not accept the equation that our people are suffocated and starved and others tend to harm them and they are in comfort and well-being and do not suffer any harm," he said.

"Whoever wants to harm our people will be harmed, and our boldness is clear in our right position, our boldness is clear even towards the American, whom you make gods you are ashamed and subject to, and there are no hostile intentions on our part towards any Arab country, but we will not accept that any Arab regime goes to harm our people in the service of Israel and obedience to America," he said.

"Any Saudi position at this time against our people is definitely a service to the Zionist enemy and a supporter of it in obedience to America, and we warn that it is not in anyone's interest to implicate himself and endanger his interests in the service of the Zionist entity," said Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi.

He addressed Saudi Arabia, "What motivates you to be concerned with courting Israel so that the tragedy of Gaza turns into a normalization deal and then a hostile trend against the Yemeni people?, courting Israel is not in your interest or the interest of your people, but rather a service that harms you, offends you, shames you and benefits the Zionist enemy?"

In his speech, the Leader of the Revolution dealt with the developments in the Palestinian arena. He explained that between the Arabs and the middle of the Islamic world, the crime of the century occurs, and the darkness of the era lasts for 251 days and eight months spent for the 36th week, while the Zionist enemy is still committing genocide in the Gaza Strip.

He pointed out that the number of mass massacres amounted to more than three thousand and 340 massacres and the number of martyrs, wounded and prisoners in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank is about 147 thousand, most of them children and women, committed this week more than 35 massacres resulted in the death and injury of more than 2,500 Palestinians.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi stated that the massacre committed by the enemy in the Nuseirat camp with direct American participation, in which the Zionist enemy carried out 250 raids on about 90 houses, and the enemy's ground incursion into the Nuseirat camp from the floating pier.

He pointed out that the use of the floating pier in the Zionist aggression on Nuseirat reveals the fact that it is an American base. "In the past, decades ago, the tragedy of Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina was the biggest problem of geographical distance and difficulty in supply," he said.

The leader of the revolution indicated that the Palestinian people are a people in the middle of the Islamic world and in an Arab and Islamic environment that can support and support, but there is a clear shortcoming. "It is an insult to the Qur'an, Islam and the Prophet of Islam for the Palestinian people to starve to the point of death," he said.

"Let the pilgrims remember that the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip were deprived of pilgrimage to the Sacred House of God, and it is very unfortunate that with all that is happening, some governments and some Arab regimes tend to participate in maneuvers under American supervision with the Zionist enemy," he said.

He stated that the military exercises under American supervision and with the participation of the Zionist enemy are entitled "Eager Lion", "Massive Anger" and "African Lion". "When we come to these headlines, "Assad", what Assad and the Arab countries watch the Palestinian people being killed in genocide?" he asked.

The leader expressed regret in the move of some Arab regimes to make themselves a anchor to protect the Zionist enemy instead of contributing to the defense of the Palestinian people. Again, he asked, "Why this collusion and cooperation with the Zionist enemy and the great inaction of most regimes and governments?

"Most people sympathize with their hearts but do not act on a practical level effectively, even in the simple steps available, and the reality of the Zionist enemy and the American reality is not so much that we expect that these regimes saw themselves in a situation where they have no other choice," he said.

The leader of the revolution pointed out that these regimes must first take lessons from the steadfastness of the mujahideen in Gaza despite genocide, daily killings and starvation, who with their limited capabilities confront the Zionist enemy for eight months in an ongoing battle.

"Why don't they take the lesson and benefit from the position of the honorable support fronts, including the position of our Yemeni people at the official and popular levels, which represents a lesson for all regimes," he asked.

"Our country, despite its great suffering, war, siege and total attack against it, stands in an honorable position that expresses its humanity and morals. Addressing the regimes, he said, "Why do you fail to this degree and then not only fail, but also contribute to the Zionist enemy in protecting and reassuring it."

"It is a shame that some people move with humanitarian motives in America, Europe and Australia, and then the position of the Arab countries does not rise to the level of the popular movement, and despite the prevention of food for students protesting in the West, they are continuing, active and insisting on their movement with a humanitarian motive," he said.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi stressed that the Arabs died their humanity, human conscience and sense of faith and Islam, and values and morals faded, and they did not benefit from the position of some Latin and European countries that took practical steps and severed their relations with the Zionist enemy.

He pointed out that the Zionist enemy was unable to end the movement of the mujahideen in the Gaza Strip nor to eliminate them and did not restore his prisoners, stressing that the enemy after eight months of aggression and criminality was able to recover four prisoners with American participation, which is not a success and the Zionist enemy needs in this way to long years to recover its prisoners.

The promise of the steadfastness of the mujahideen in Gaza is a sign of God and proof of their faith, awareness, stability and humanity. "This week, it was observed in the Rafah axis that qualitative operations were carried out in the abuse of the enemy and the continuation of rocket barrages towards the 'Gaza envelope', and what the video scenes show is a little of what is happening in the field of clashing with the Zionist enemy and abusing it," he said.

The Leader of the Revolution explained that one of the most important things that is happening in the Gaza Strip is the level of cooperation and coordination between the Palestinian factions in the Strip, stressing that the state of disparity and Zionist resignations from the highest levels shows the reality and consequences of the current Israeli situation in failure and real failure.

He referred to the Hezbollah front, which is engaged in a direct battle with the Zionist enemy, describing the Hezbollah front as advanced and effective, and the most influential in the support fronts, and it continues to escalate significantly against the enemy.

The Burkan missile inflicts strong destruction on the Zionist enemy and leaves massive destruction on its military bases and barracks, he said, noting that the drones fired by Hezbollah at the Israeli enemy penetrate the enemy's protection capabilities.

He pointed out that Hezbollah succeeded in targeting the iron platforms and influence of the Zionist enemy, and is being hit and directly influenced, stressing that the Zionist enemy is confused about the Hezbollah front, because it is an effective, influential and painful front.

"The involvement of the Israeli enemy in a full-scale war with Hezbollah, as it is aware of the dangerous and destructive consequences that many of its leaders are talking about, and there is a very important influence on the part of Hezbollah in the support front in Lebanon to support the Palestinian front," he said.

The Commander spoke about the Iraqi Front, which the Islamic Resistance in Iraq announced five operations this week against vital targets of the Zionist enemy in occupied Palestine.


resource : Saba