Over 30 thousand visitors to tourist sites in Sana'a within three days


Yemen News Agency SABA
Over 30 thousand visitors to tourist sites in Sana'a within three days
[19/ June/2024]
SANA'A June 19. 2024 (Saba) - The total number of visitors to tourist sites in Sana'a Province reached more than 30,000 visitors during the first three days of the Eid al-Adha holiday.

A report issued by the province’s tourism office, a copy of which was received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), stated that these sites were distributed among the districts of Bani Matar, Bani Hashish, Khawlan, Hamdan, Sanhan, and New Sana’a.

The report appreciated the efforts of the concerned offices in providing health, civil defense, traffic, works, hygiene and improvement teams, which contributed to creating a safe atmosphere , a high level of reassurance and joy among families.

The director of the province's tourism office, Yahya Al-Sharif, called on visitors to tourist sites to take advantage of the available services to spend happy times with their families during the Eid holiday.

He urged visitors to adhere to the instructions provided by tour guides and security, traffic, and civil defense personnel present at tourist sites in order to serve them.


resource : SABA