Military media distributes Toofan 1 boat test drone scenes at naval target

Yemen News Agency SABA
Military media distributes Toofan 1 boat test drone scenes at naval target
[21/ June/2024]
SANA'A June 21. 2024 (Saba) - The military media distributed today,Friday, scenes of the homemade Toofan 1 drone boat and its combat specifications.

The scenes showed the boat being tested on a sea target, from launch to hitting the target and its destructive ability.

The Toofan 1 drone boat is an attack boat that carries a 150 kg warhead and is characterized by speed , high maneuverability and stealth capabilities.

The speed of the boat reaches 35 nautical miles per hour, and it specializes in targeting nearby marine targets (fixed and moving).


resource : SABA