Palestinian national forces call for comprehensive strategy to manage conflict & protect West Bank from Judaization

Yemen News Agency SABA
Palestinian national forces call for comprehensive strategy to manage  conflict & protect West Bank from Judaization
[22/ June/2024]
RAMALLAH June 22. 2024 (Saba) - The follow-up committee for the national and Islamic forces confirmed that it is time to open a serious and real strategic dialogue between the living forces of the Palestinian people to confront the Zionist enemy at this sensitive stage in which the Palestinian issue is experiencing.

The Follow-up Committee said in a statement today, Saturday: Targeting the West Bank and attempts to Judaize it deserve to push the national group to this step.

It stressed the need for the Palestinian people to prepare for a different stage of struggle, which requires achieving national unity and agreeing on a comprehensive national strategy to manage the conflict with the enemy in all areas of occupied Palestine, as well as agreeing on a national action program to manage public Palestinian affairs.

It added: Eight and a half months have passed since the genocidal war waged by the occupation against the Gaza Strip. With his people, trees and stones, a war in which the enemy committed all the tragedies, massacres and holocausts, leaving no movement without violating it, no red line without crossing it, and no international charter or law without flouting it.


resource : SABA