Aden Governor warns of UAE occupation’s efforts to destroy Aden port

Yemen News Agency SABA
Aden Governor warns of UAE occupation’s efforts to destroy Aden port
[22/ June/2024]
SANA'A June 22. 2024 (Saba) - The Governor of Aden, Tariq Salam, warned the Saudi-Emirati occupier against continuing to destroy the nation’s capabilities, plundering its wealth, and attempting to attack the people’s rights and sovereign projects.

In a statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), Salam considered the destructive efforts and conspiracies carried out by the mercenaries of the Saudi-Emirati occupation and the attempt to rent the port of Aden to the Emirati occupier as hostile and unacceptable behavior.

Aden Governor also considered the mercenaries' taking this illegal step a blatant transgression and a clear hostile act targeting Yemen , the Yemenis and expressing the state of bankruptcy to which these puppet militias have reached.

He pointed out that Aden port belongs to all Yemenis and the Yemeni people will not allow these cheap attempts that aim to empty the port of its value , its prestigious international maritime status, as it is one of the important Yemeni ports , one of the main sea ports in the Gulf of Aden region, and one of the largest natural ports in the world.


resource : SABA