Lavrov: US desire to defeat Russia's strategy is doomed to failure

Yemen News Agency SABA
Lavrov: US desire to defeat Russia's strategy is doomed to failure
[26/ June/2024]

MOSCOW June 26. 2024 (Saba) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed that the American elite blindly believes in the "American exception" and that the Biden administration's desire to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia is doomed to failure.

According to the Russian news agency TASS, Lavrov's remarks came during the tenth international "Primakov Readings" forum in Moscow today.

The West's claims that the conflict in Ukraine will end with a return to the 1991 borders are just laughable.

A number of states in the past sought military and political hegemony in tears for them.

It has been decided that Russia-haters will reach leadership positions in the EU in the future.

Russia is only interested in ensuring that threats to its security do not come from the West.

Moscow, Beijing and New Delhi plan to reassemble the "Russia-India-China" formula.

The UN needs to adapt to multipolarity, but this is difficult because of Western hegemony there.

In the Middle East, there is a risk that violence could reach Lebanon because of Israeli actions.

Russia must restore relations with Germany one day, but everything will depend on Berlin: "We will not run after anyone."

"Even if in the foreseeable future the United States remains one of the centers of the world, which is likely to happen, this does not mean at all that this will be achieved within the framework of maintaining an American-centered world order," Lavrov said.


resource : Saba